Tag: Ashkenazi

The author reflects on the importance of naming children after ancestors in the Jewish faith.
Masa Madres, a popular Jewish bakery in Chicago, has found success by merging Jewish and Mexican flavors in their pastries.
This article discusses nine essential cookbooks that celebrate Sephardic cuisine.
In this article, R. Yamin Levy discusses the differences between Sephardi and Ashkenazi approaches to Minhag (customs), Halakha (Jewish law), and Mahshaba (Jewish mysticism).
This text appears to be an advertisement for a talk by Rabbi Steven Dansky, who focuses on the interplay between traditional rabbinic ideas and psychological theories.
In this video, Rabbi Harold Sutton explores the differences between Sephardic and Ashkenazi approaches to Talmud study.
The pomegranate has a rich history in Jewish culture and is often associated with Rosh Hashanah.
The author recounts a childhood memory of visiting the Baltic Coast in the Soviet Union with his father.
A music enthusiast who will miss the communal singing during Passover Seder has created a curated playlist to help individuals transition to solitary Seders this year.
David Simon, known for works like "The Wire," tapped into his Jewish roots in "The Plot Against America," drawing from his heritage and family experiences to create a more personal and sentimental narrative.
Disney Junior's show "Elena of Avalor" introduces a Hanukkah episode focusing on Elena and her family learning about and participating in Jewish traditions through their friendship with Rebekah, a Jewish princess.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Don Futterman discuss various topics including dramatizing the Holocaust on Instagram, the impact of a supermarket chain fabricating a story about Ashkenazi-Mizrahi relations, and the significance of the individuals chosen to light torches at Israel's Independence Day.
Beth, a genetic counselor, discovered she and her husband carry a recessive mutation for familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) after taking a genetic test before her third pregnancy.
"The Silence of Malka" is a graphic novel set in a Jewish settlement in Argentina at the end of the 19th century, featuring a golem created to help a struggling farmer and his family.
The author reflects on the sentimental value of kasha varnishkes, a traditional Jewish dish, and the idea of wearing food-themed jewelry in honor of cherished Jewish foods.
Tamar Manasseh shares her perspective on being labeled as a "black Jew" and discusses the complexities she faces as a Black person within the Jewish community.
Dr. Talia Sagiv, a sociologist at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, explores the challenges faced by young Israelis of mixed Ashkenazi and Sephardi descent in her book "On the Fault Line: Israelis of Mixed Ethnicity."
Hoshana Rabbah, a holiday on the seventh day of Sukkot, involves beating willow branches as a ritual symbolizing various interpretations, including expressing remorse as it marks the end of the cosmic judgment process after Yom Kippur.
The article discusses creating Passover cocktails inspired by the Ten Plagues, keeping in mind the restrictions on consuming chametz during the holiday.
Israel's new chief rabbis were selected after a contentious process that highlighted the deep-rooted issues within the rabbinical institution.
Jessica Lanyadoo, a psychic with Jewish Iraqi and Polish Holocaust survivor roots, attributes her success and open-mindedness to her mixed Ashkenazi and Sephardi heritage.