Tag: Ashkenazi

The letter signed by prominent Sephardic rabbis in Israel, including members of Shas, opposes the drafting of yeshiva students into the army, highlighting a shift in the traditionally accepted arrangements regarding military service for Haredi Jews.
Rabbis Sandra Lawson and Deborah Waxman discuss the importance of embracing complexity and diversity within the Jewish community, highlighting the marginalization of Sephardic, Mizrahi, Black, and brown Jewish narratives.
Cottage cheese, a long-standing Jewish staple, plays a significant role in Shavuot recipes due to its dairy nature symbolizing the nourishing aspect of the Torah.
David Levy, a prominent Mizrahi Israeli politician and former foreign minister, passed away at 86.
A recent survey conducted by the UJA-Federation of New York reveals that New York City remains home to close to 1 million Jews, with a total of over 1.4 million in the broader region.
The article delves into the evolution of Jewish masculinity over the years, touching upon historical figures such as Leonard Cohen and exploring the contemporary trend of male Jewish influencers embracing a rugged and masculine aesthetic.
Jonathan Richler, a Jewish chef in St. Johns, Canada, combines Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jewish flavors with Newfoundland cuisine in his dishes, merging traditional Jewish recipes with local ingredients.
Poppy seeds hold a special significance on Purim, with their use in traditional Ashkenazi hamantaschen linked to Queen Esther's diet during her time in King Ahasuerus's palace.
A Jewish individual undergoing fertility treatment reflects on the emotional journey of having embryos that didn't develop into children due to scientific reasons.
The author reflects on their journey of learning Hebrew and the significance it holds for their Jewish identity.
Yiddish instructor Moishele Alfonso attended a celebration of Sephardi culture at the Center for Jewish History in New York City on Ladino Day.
In this video by Rabbi Shmuel Phillips, he discusses the differences between Sephardi and Ashkenazi Talmudic methodologies.
In this video, Rabbi Shmuel Phillips discusses the differences between Sepharadi and Ashkenazi Talmudic methodologies.
Francis Benhamou, an actress from a mixed Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jewish background, had never played a Jewish character until she was cast in "Prayer for the French Republic," a play about a Jewish family in France contending with rising antisemitism.
The author reflects on her experience as the only nonwhite Jewish girl in her community during her bat mitzvah in 1982.
The author reflects on their search for Jewish identity and how they find meaning in food.
With Rosh Hashanah approaching, Jewish gift options are being explored.
The author reflects on how Sephardic flavors from their Syrian background shaped their childhood, with foods like kibbeh hamdah and mujedra being common staples.
Jewish affinity for jam bands like The Grateful Dead and Phish, known for improvisational music and long concerts, is explored in an episode of Culturally Jewish.
In this edition, Sally Abed, Miriam Herschlag, and Noah Efron discuss three important topics: the politics of memory and whether it is possible to keep politics out of cemeteries, a controversial video made by seven Ashkenazi teens that perpetuates stereotypes about Sephardim, and the implications of AI being able to revive dead singers and its impact on culture.
In a recent discussion, Sally Abed, Miriam Herschlag, and Noah Efron cover topics including the politics of memory in cemeteries, the implications of a video made by Ashkenazi teens depicting stereotypes about Sefaradim, and the cultural impact of a new duet by deceased Yemenite singers created through AI.
This article explores the significance of charoset, a staple of the Passover Seder, and the personal journey of the author in attempting to recreate their great-grandmother's charoset recipe.
In this podcast, Jonathan Silver discusses the ongoing conflicts and protests in Israeli politics.
In this podcast, Israeli vocalist and musical director Yair Harel discusses the significant influence of Haim Louk, a Moroccan-born rabbi and musical virtuoso, on Israeli music.
Walnuts have been loved by Jews since biblical times and are widely used in Jewish cooking, especially during Passover.