Tag: Cancer

In "On Call Chapter 10: People I Know," Ayala Rubin, an ER doctor, reflects on the emotional challenges of treating familiar faces like Nora, a coworker diagnosed with an inoperable tumor, and Rabbi Weiss, a neighbor experiencing a heart issue.
The author shares her experiences with undergoing fat grafting to reconstruct her breasts following a mastectomy due to breast cancer.
The author reflects on the sudden deaths of two friends, Kate and Hilda, due to cancer and contrasts their swift passing with her son's insistence on living life to the fullest despite illness, encapsulating the sentiment of "you only live once" (YOLO).
Amy Ettinger, a writer and creative writing instructor, passed away at 49 after battling cancer.
A woman reflects on her experience facing cancer after undergoing abdominal surgery, similar to Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge.
The author reflects on her journey seeking female mentors in academia, describing encounters with unhelpful responses from professors and feeling discouraged about balancing motherhood with a scholarly career.
The article titled "Thirteen Ways of Looking at Your Dying Mother" explores the author's personal experience of caring for their dying mother.
Paul Reubens, the comedian known for his character Pee-wee Herman, has passed away at the age of 70 after a private battle with cancer.
The story follows a narrator attending the funeral of his childhood friend Steven's father.
In this personal essay, the author recounts a series of events that led to meeting the love of their life.
A personal reflection is shared about confronting mortality and undergoing medical tests, juxtaposed with the symbolism of Sukkot and its lessons of impermanence and vulnerability.
The author discovers a half-finished knitting project in her sister's belongings after her sister's death from cancer.
This personal essay explores the author's relationship with her father and his homemade hummus as he battles stage 3 lung cancer.
The author reflects on a family tradition of cutting and throwing away the shoes of deceased relatives.
As the Washington Nationals compete in the World Series, the author reflects on watching the games without their recently deceased father, who shared a special bond with baseball.
The text describes a poignant period leading up to and following the passing of someone named Dean in hospice care.
The Tablet article features a poignant essay by Jenny Diski reflecting on religion and personal beliefs following a terminal cancer diagnosis.
Camp Simcha and Camp Simcha Special provide a unique summer camp experience for over 400 Jewish children with cancer and chronic medical conditions, offering them a break from their illness and a sense of normalcy.
The text conveys a poignant and personal story about the author's father facing terminal cancer and the decision-making process for treatment options.
The author reflects on the challenge of finding a place to honor their late mother, who passed away after a battle with cancer.