Tag: Christmas

This video explores the history of Chinese food on Christmas, with a special focus on its Jewish connections.
The United Nations has been criticized for its lack of recognition and celebration of Jewish holidays compared to other religions.
In a recent speech, Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas accused Israel of ruining Christmas and killing Palestinian children.
The tradition of Jews eating Chinese food on Christmas is a well-known phenomenon.
In this personal narrative, the author, a Jewish young man from Milwaukee, is living alone and feeling homesick for Christmas in Jerusalem in 1958.
This article explores the author's experience of celebrating Christmas with her Italian friend's family and the connection between two traditional desserts, sfingi and sfenj.
This discussion explores the complex relationship between American Jews and Christmas.
This article discusses the cultural phenomenon of Jewish people eating chicken soup on Christmas, offering a recipe for a "Very Jewish Christmas Chicken Soup."
The Council of Centers on Jewish-Christian Relations (CCJR) has expressed concern about the possibility that certain Christian rhetoric during the Christmas season may contribute to rising antisemitism.
The article explores the cultural link between American Jews and Chinese food, particularly the tradition of eating Chinese food on Christmas.
In this funny skit by YidLife Crisis, Jamie Elman and Eli Batalion comically depict the Jewish tradition of eating at a Chinese restaurant on Christmas.
The author recounts a story about a failed date on Christmas Day and how it led to a newfound appreciation for Hanukkah.
This podcast episode delves into a range of topics including holiday cooking, the enduring legacy of Charles Dickens, geopolitical tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran, and the ongoing impact of COVID-19.
In this episode of Unorthodox, the hosts discuss the surprising history of Jewish songwriters and Christmas music, as well as the Jewish contribution to Christmas food recipes.
The author describes their experience of celebrating their non-Jewish friend's holiday, Christmas, and how it allowed them to appreciate and understand another culture without straying from their own Jewish identity.
The author shares their personal experience of growing up in a Jewish family that celebrated Christmas alongside Hanukkah.
The author expresses her frustration with the concept of "ALL-idays" as depicted in Old Navy's commercial, which attempts to encompass all holiday celebrations including Christmas and Hanukkah.
In a podcast discussion, the crew questions the Democratic party's portrayal of the failure of significant spending bills as a political victory.
In this podcast episode, discussions range from a demonstration attended by Christine, where liberals liken the Biden administration to Christmas every day, to Andrew Cuomo using intimidating tactics through a subordinate on New York state politicians, and the ongoing lack of diversity in the Oscars.
In this personal essay, Carly Pildis reflects on the feelings of loneliness and alienation that many Jews experience during the Christmas season.
The author discusses the controversy surrounding holiday greetings, particularly the phrase "Merry Christmas."
Being Jewish on Christmas comes with some unique perks, as highlighted in a list of the "Top 10 Reasons It's Great Being Jewish On Christmas."
During the Cold War, Soviet Jews and dissidents used Christmas trees as a form of resistance against Communist oppression, which included a ban on religious holidays and a war on Christmas.
In episode 71 of "Unorthodox," the podcast celebrates Christmas with a Jewish twist, featuring guests who discuss various aspects of the holiday season.
This article presents five easy recipes for satisfying a craving for Chinese food during the Christmas season, including a Chinese-inspired loaf, baked sweet and sour chicken, lox and schmear rangoon, fortune cookie cupcakes, and ramen latkes with sriracha mayo.