Tag: Diversity

Fady Qaddoura, a Palestinian-American and Muslim, has made history by becoming the first Muslim elected to the state legislature in Indiana.
This text discusses the academic origins of the American Revolution and the subsequent rebellion within academia.
The article discusses the shallow and reductive version of diversity that has spread across American institutions and the corporate world.
The piece reflects on Portland's transformation from a scrappy, welcoming city to a place experiencing rapid gentrification and demographic shifts.
Horace Kallen, a prolific writer known primarily for his concept of cultural pluralism, is the focus of Matthew Kaufman's book "Horace Kallen Confronts America: Jewish Identity, Science, and Secularism."
The author delves into the debate about whether European Jews should be considered white and discusses the complexities of Jewish identity and oppression.
The text explores the complex position of Asian-Americans in America's racial dynamics, highlighting their exclusion from diversity initiatives, historical context, rapid growth, and educational and economic success.
A Jewish magazine is inviting readers to share their personal milestones and events from the year 5776 in a special feature reminiscent of traditional synagogue newsletters.
The article discusses the importance of incorporating diversity and understanding at Jewish sleepaway camps to ensure a positive and inclusive experience for all campers, especially those who are non-White or non-Ashkenazi Jews.
The article discusses the importance of recognizing and learning from the diverse experiences and perspectives within the Jewish community, as illustrated through the author's participation in the performance of Kaleidoscope.
The author reflects on growing up feeling like an outsider as a Jewish individual in a non-Jewish neighborhood, where Christmas celebrations dominated.