Tag: Family Dynamics

A mother reflects on her decision to make her 17-year-old daughter work for her own spending money after a lavish party led to a credit card dispute.
The author reflects on the challenges of navigating modesty and privacy in a household with a pre-teen daughter, highlighting the complexities of being the only male in a predominantly female family.
A woman is struggling with financial difficulties after her husband lost his job but he forbids her from sharing this information with her close sisters-in-law.
"Dwell Time: A Memoir of Art, Exile, and Repair" by Rosa Lowinger delves into the author's personal history as a Cuban-born art conservator, intertwining themes of generational trauma, exile, and caring for aging parents.
In this series of letters, readers discuss their thoughts on Ariella Schiller's serial story "Trust Fund," which explores issues of family dynamics and personal growth.
As the author helps his 89-year-old mother move into their home, he reflects on the challenges of lifting heavy boxes filled with Jewish prayer books, which strain his back, contrasting Jewish prayer postures with his physical struggles.
In honor of Valentine's Day, this article presents a collection of Jewish jokes about love.
In Chapter 45 of "Upper Class," the protagonist prepares to meet her partner Shan's mother, feeling nervous and insecure.
"Seven Blessings," Israel's Oscar submission, tells a story of a Mizrahi family grappling with family secrets, betrayal, and forgiveness.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, psychologist Dr. Joshua Coleman discusses familial estrangement and reconciliation.
Meir Spitz, a 15-year-old boy, discovers that he owns a house, 14 Lincoln Drive, which was bought by his grandparents after his father passed away.
The opening chapter of Parshat Ki Teitzei discusses two situations that involve sensitive interrelationships.
In this short fiction story, a group of siblings return to the home of their deceased mother to sort through her belongings before the house is sold.
The article discusses the theme of family ties and the impact they can have on one's sense of identity and freedom.
In this fictional story, Charlie Wineglas is taking care of his elderly parents, who are slowly losing their memory.
Homeschooling can be a viable option for Jewish families, offering flexibility in schedule, family dynamics, and budget.
A Jewish family recounts their journey from the Soviet Union to the United States in the late 1970s, navigating geopolitical challenges and personal struggles.
The text follows the lives of two teenagers, Daphne and David, as they navigate their aspirations, dreams, and challenges.
A new online resource called the Aliyah Risk Calculator helps families planning to make aliyah (immigrate to Israel) assess their chances of success.
The text is a personal reflection on the life of the author and his relationship with his brother, Tom.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Andrew Solomon, author of the book Far from the Tree, discusses intergenerational divergence.
Benjamin Taylor's memoir, "Not a Nice Boy," explores the complex and sometimes contradictory character of the acclaimed writer Philip Roth.
The author reflects on his upbringing by a trio of Jewish women who doted on him, while his father believed he was being spoiled and turning into a "Kuni Lemele," a term for a naive or sheltered boy.
In "Chrismukkah in Texas," the Essinger family in Texas celebrates a hybrid Christmas and Hanukkah with a blend of traditions.
Mira and her family navigate daily life in Israel, with Mira reflecting on the ease of becoming a citizen, the responsibilities it entails, and the complexities of their new surroundings.