Tag: Gaza

In this podcast episode, Chuck Freilich, former Israeli deputy national security adviser, discusses the possibility of Israel conducting a military strike to eliminate Iran's nuclear program.
In this episode, journalist Neri Zilber interviews Avi Issacharoff, co-creator of the popular Israeli TV show Fauda, which has brought the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to the forefront.
In this podcast episode, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss several topics.
In this discussion, Neri Zilber explores the parallels between the American withdrawal from Afghanistan and Israel's experiences in Southern Lebanon and Gaza.
Leah Goldin has spent the past seven years fighting to bring her son Hadar home after he was taken captive by Hamas during the 2014 conflict between Israel and Gaza.
In this Israel Policy Briefing, Ilan Goldenberg from the Israel Policy Forum and the Center for a New American Security discusses policy options for the United States following the Gaza conflict in May 2021.
In this podcast episode, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz discusses the violence in Israel and Gaza, as well as Jewish American Heritage Month and honoring trailblazing Jewish congresswoman Bella Abzug.
In a recent podcast, the discussion covered the ideological challenges from the Left against Israel, political controversies surrounding the January 6 commission, and updates on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.
In this episode of Unorthodox, the hosts discuss the ongoing conflict between Israel and Gaza.
In this special briefing on the Israel-Gaza crisis, Israel Policy Forum's Policy Director, Michael Koplow, Policy Advisor, Shira Efron, and Israel Fellow, Nimrod Novik, discuss the ongoing conflict between Israel and Gaza.
The Israel Defense Forces demolished a building in Gaza housing the Associated Press, leading to controversy.
The podcast discusses ongoing Israeli defensive actions against Hamas in Gaza and the confusion surrounding the lifting of masking rules by the federal government.
In Israel, a week of escalating tensions culminates in a widespread conflict involving rockets fired into Israel, destructive attacks on Gaza, and riots in various parts of the country.
Israel is currently facing a severe crisis, with thousands of rockets fired from Gaza, causing Israelis to take shelter.
In this special episode of the podcast, Donniel Hartman, Yossi Klein Halevi, and Elana Stein Hain discuss the recent tensions in Israel, including the violence in Gaza and riots by Arab Israelis.
In this discussion, Neri Zilber and Michael Koplow analyze the current crises in Jerusalem and Gaza and the persistent political stalemate in Israel.
In this article, Neri Zilber, a Washington Institute Adjunct Fellow, discusses the current situation with the Palestinians.
In "Queer Palestine and the Empire of Critique," Sa'ed Atshan explores the complexities of being LGBTQ in Palestine, whether in the West Bank, Gaza, or Israel, including refugee camps.
Sa'ed Atshan explores the complexities of navigating queerness in Palestine, including the West Bank, Gaza, and Israel, as well as in refugee camps.
In a recent development, the International Criminal Court (ICC) at The Hague has declared its jurisdiction in the West Bank and Gaza, thereby potentially enabling the prosecution of Israelis for alleged war crimes.
In this opinion piece, the author argues that Mahmoud Abbas, the President of the Palestinian Authority, is placing too much hope on President Joe Biden to solve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
In this edition of Reflections on the Revolution in Jerusalem, the hosts discuss the drop in trust in Israeli leaders and ongoing protests outside Prime Minister Netanyahu's house.
President Trump's 180-page peace plan for the Middle East includes a proposal to build a 25-mile tunnel connecting the West Bank and Gaza, although specific details on how it would function are lacking.
In this edition, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Ohad Zeltzer-Zubida discuss Benny Gantz's failure to form a government, questioning if it was a bullet dodged, and speculate about political motives behind Israel's recent conflict with Islamic Jihad in Gaza.
Terrorists launched hundreds of rockets from Gaza into Israel in response to the killing of a Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader.