Tag: Israel Policy Forum

In a recent discussion, journalist Neri Zilber and political reporter Tal Schneider analyze the passing of the state budget in Israel, a significant achievement for the Bennett-Lapid coalition.
In this discussion, journalist Neri Zilber hosts Kevjn Lim, an expert on Iran and China, to examine the current state of the Iran nuclear crisis and Israel's search for an alternative plan if negotiations fail.
The New Normal podcast discusses the recent release of Israel Policy Forum's report on Arab-Israeli normalization and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
In the final episode of the Israel Policy Forum-Terrestrial Jerusalem partnership series, Evan Gottesman and Danny Seidemann delve into the topic of the status quo surrounding access to the holy sites on Jerusalem's Temple Mount.
In this discussion, Neri Zilber explores the parallels between the American withdrawal from Afghanistan and Israel's experiences in Southern Lebanon and Gaza.
In this episode of the Israel Policy Forum-Terrestrial Jerusalem podcast, Evan Gottesman and Danny Seidemann discuss the court proceedings regarding the Sheikh Jarrah evictions in Jerusalem.
In this podcast episode, Israel Policy Forum Executive Director David A. Halperin discusses the past five years of the organization's work and upcoming changes and growth.
In this podcast episode, host Evan Gottesman discusses the performance of Israel's new government, which was inaugurated in June.
In his first overseas trip as foreign minister, Yair Lapid is making a departure from the foreign policy approach taken by Benjamin Netanyahu.
In this discussion, Israel Policy Forum Policy Advisor Shira Efron and former consul general of Israel in New York, Alon Pinkas, analyze the new Bennett-Lapid government in Israel and its implications.
In an interview with Haaretz's Amir Tibon, Israel Policy Forum Executive Director David A. Halperin discusses the potential for a new "change coalition" government in Israel.
In this Israel Policy Briefing, Ilan Goldenberg from the Israel Policy Forum and the Center for a New American Security discusses policy options for the United States following the Gaza conflict in May 2021.
In this special briefing on the Israel-Gaza crisis, Israel Policy Forum's Policy Director, Michael Koplow, Policy Advisor, Shira Efron, and Israel Fellow, Nimrod Novik, discuss the ongoing conflict between Israel and Gaza.
In this discussion, Hussein Ibish and Shira Efron examine Israel's increasing integration with the broader Middle East region.
In the first episode of the Terrestrial Jerusalem podcast series, Evan Gottesman and Daniel Seidemann discuss the reasons behind the ongoing conflict over Jerusalem.
Lior Schillat, Director General of the Jerusalem Institute for Policy Research, provides insights into the recent far-right riot in Jerusalem and the events leading up to it.
In this podcast, Shira Efron, a Policy Advisor at the Israel Policy Forum, discusses the repercussions of Israel's attack on Iran's Natanz nuclear site and its implications for Israel's relationship with Tehran.
In this podcast episode, host Evan Gottesman interviews former American diplomat Ari Gore about the closure of the U.S. Consulate General in Jerusalem by the Trump administration.
In this podcast episode, host Evan Gottesman discusses the current crisis in Jordan with Nimrod Novik from the Israel Policy Forum.
In this episode, hosts Evan Gottesman and Eli Kowaz discuss the issues that are shaping the fourth Israeli election since April 2019.
In this episode, host Shanie Reichman speaks with Dr. Eran Halperin about his research on the psychological and emotional factors that contribute to conflicts and hinder their resolution.
In a podcast episode titled "No Problem or No Solution?", host Evan Gottesman interviews Shira Efron and Daniel Egel from the RAND Corporation about their study on different alternatives to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
In this article, the authors propose a realistic reset of U.S. foreign policy on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict under the Biden administration.
Ilan Goldenberg, Michael Koplow, and Tamara Cofman Wittes have released a new policy report titled "A New U.S. Strategy for the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict."
This episode features recordings of two panels from Israel Policy Forum's virtual annual event.