Tag: Jewish Education

The ROI of funding Jewish schools is an article discussing the importance of investing in Jewish communal infrastructure, specifically in the context of Jewish education.
Joshua Hoffman is reaching out on behalf of Future of Jewish, a digital publication with a mission to provide inspiration, education, and connection to Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world.
The article explores the importance of contrarian thinking within Jewish culture and history.
This personal essay recounts the author's experience with the snack cart at Hebrew school and their attempt to sell their own snacks for profit.
Avi Kamionski is a litigation lawyer who represents cities facing litigation, particularly when they are being sued by people released from prison.
Harvard Hillel's former director, Bernie Steinberg, passed away at the age of 78.
Bernie Steinberg, former director of Harvard Hillel, has passed away at the age of 78.
There may be a shift happening in the Charedi world, particularly in Israel, regarding the perception of full-time Torah study as the only legitimate option.
Yavneh College in Borehamwood, an Orthodox academy, recently dropped a grade overall in its first inspection in 12 years, losing its outstanding rank but retaining the highest grade for its sixth form.
The article discusses the importance of engaging young people and fostering solidarity in the face of antisemitism and the challenges of wartime.
Prominent Jewish leaders have called for Jewish students and donors to abandon Ivy League universities due to campus antisemitism and other problems in higher education.
The author presents three questions to ask oneself when listening to a Dvar Torah (a Torah discourse).
The first letter discusses the experience of growing up as a shlucha (emissary) and the importance of always being on a mission, no matter where one is.
The author reflects on the high level of education possessed by Jonathan Rosenblum, a Charedi columnist for Mishpacha Magazine.
Hilary Falb-Kalisman, a Professor of History and Jewish Studies at the University of Colorado-Boulder, delves into her book "Teachers as State Builders: Education and the Making of the Modern Middle East."
The author discusses the opportunity to change American higher education, particularly the Jewish experience within it, due to the declining confidence in higher education and the willingness of top donors to invest elsewhere.
The author discusses two philosophies within Centrist Orthodoxy: Torah Im Derech Eretz (TIDE) and Torah UMada (TUM).
The author reflects on their experience growing up in the Reform movement and how it shaped their Jewish identity.
In this article, the author discusses the trend of attaching career goals and qualifications to women's Torah study.
Rabbi Shmuel Rabi has developed a game show-style program called Rischa D'oraisa to engage elementary school boys in their studies and help them apply their knowledge to different scenarios.
Tamar Shames, an educator, shares her passion for helping struggling learners find success in the school system.
Misha Avramoff, who passed away at age 83, was a champion of Jewish education and serving the Jewish poor in New York.
After the sale of American Jewish University's main campus fell through, the nearby Milken Community School has announced that it will purchase the 22-acre campus.
Rav Gershon Neumann, a revered rosh yeshivah, rav, and posek, passed away at the age of 76.
In a recent talk to concerned Jewish day school parents, social psychologist Jonathan Haidt discussed the epidemic of mental illness among youth and offered tough-love advice on child-rearing.