Tag: Jewish Identity

Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein reviewed Rabbi Aharon Feldman's book "The Eye of the Storm" and engaged in a dialogue with Rabbi Feldman regarding their differing views on feminist halachah and secular Zionism.
The text recounts the story of Sonya Oshman's escape from a work camp in Poland in 1943 through a tunnel dug by Jews to evade the Germans, who had invaded Novogrudek.
Norma Klein's novels, particularly "Beginners Love," delve into themes of Jewishness, sexuality, and identity among secular Jews in New York City.
The article argues that embracing environmentalism is beneficial for the Jewish community as it can lead to a more engaging and relevant expression of Judaism, particularly appealing to younger and less affiliated Jews.
The author reflects on a serendipitous connection with a distant Texan cousin, Marc Glosserman, who founded the Texas-style barbecue restaurant Hill Country in New York.
The novel "Azarel" by Hungarian novelist Karoly Pap portrays the internal struggles of an eight-year-old boy named Gyuri Azarel as he grapples with the strictures of his rabbi father's house and Jewish identity in Hungary during the 1920s and 30s.