Tag: Jewish Identity

Henry Kissinger, a significant figure in American history and foreign policy, celebrates his 90th birthday amidst both admiration and criticism.
The author recalls reconnecting with their paternal grandparents after years of estrangement, only to discover their grandfather's death online.
The text explores the complex reality of the State of Israel, highlighting the juxtaposition of dreams and disappointments in its history and current state.
The text emphasizes the deep historical and spiritual connection between the Jewish people and Judea.
A memoir titled "The Lord Is My Shepherd" reflects on a third-generation American assimilated Jewish family's journey back to their Jewish roots.
In "Jewhooing the Sixties: American Celebrity and Jewish Identity," the author David E. Kaufman examines the intersection of Jewish identity and celebrity through profiles of Sandy Koufax, Lenny Bruce, Bob Dylan, and Barbra Streisand in the 1960s.
Betty Friedan's experience at the International Woman's Year World Conference in Mexico City in 1975 revealed anti-American, anti-Semitic, and anti-Zionist sentiments, which overshadowed feminist discussions.
Arie Dubnov's book delves into the complex life of Isaiah Berlin, from his Jewish heritage in Riga to his esteemed status as a British intellectual figure.
Peter Beinart's book "The Crisis of Zionism" addresses the disconnect between young, liberal American Jews and Israel, arguing that the American Jewish establishment's unwavering support for Israel despite its policies is alienating the next generation.
The text discusses Jewish identity and the challenges surrounding it, focusing on how individuals grapple with their Jewishness in a modern context.
Norman Podhoretz, a Jewish intellectual and influential figure of neoconservatism, rose from a poor background in Brooklyn to become a leading literary critic.
Lionel Trilling, a prominent Jewish intellectual, faced criticism for not depicting Jewish characters in his work, despite having Eastern European Jewish heritage.
The book "Let My People Go" by Gal Beckerman chronicles the struggle for Soviet Jewry from the 1960s to the early 1990s, detailing how individuals like Natan Sharansky, with support from Jews worldwide and non-Jewish allies, fought against Soviet oppression to secure the freedom of Soviet Jews.
In "Capitalism and the Jews" by Jerry Z. Muller, the complex relationship between capitalism and Jewish identity is explored.
The Jewish Free School (JFS) case in London revolved around a boy, M, whose Jewishness was questioned due to his mother's non-Orthodox conversion.
"Bad Jews" a play by Joshua Harmon, explores the comedic scenario of three grandchildren vying for their late grandfather's cherished chai necklace, a symbol featuring Hebrew letters that represent life.
Susan Gubar, a feminist literary scholar battling ovarian cancer, challenges the idea that a diagnosis is a death sentence, emphasizing the importance of adapting to new circumstances.
Philip Levine, a celebrated poet known for portraying the blue-collar experience, reflects on his Jewish identity, ferocity in pursuing poetry, and influences like Robert Frost, Wilfred Owen, and Dylan Thomas.
This article discusses three Jewish women who are finalists for the National Book Critic Circle's best autobiography award.
This passage discusses the symbolism of smoking, particularly with cigars, among successful Jewish individuals in Europe.
In a departure from the usual Jewish-centric content, Alice Gregory, a non-Jewish writer, shares her perspective on New York Jews in Tablet Magazine.
The text discusses the author's upbringing in a wealthy, secular California community with little connection to Jewish identity, but a strong attraction to Jewish literature featuring characters grappling with Jewishness.
The text discusses the figure of Jeff Van Gundy, a prominent basketball coach and broadcaster, often speculated to be Jewish due to his appearance, demeanor, and connections to the New York Knicks.
In a rural village in Kenya, a small Jewish community led by Yosef Njogu and Avraham Ndungu is striving to maintain their Jewish identity while incorporating local customs.
David Stern, the longtime commissioner of the NBA, ended his 30-year reign amidst mixed opinions on his leadership.