Tag: Jewish Ritual

Award-winning author Sidura Ludwig's new children's book "Rising" centers on a Jewish child and their mother baking challah for Shabbat, inspired by Ludwig's own solace found in challah-making during the pandemic lockdown.
The text narrates a visit to Biaystok, Poland, by the author, reflecting on their Jewish heritage and interactions during a Yiddish class at a private Jewish museum.
A children's event called Tot Shabbat for Ceasefire, organized by Jews for Racial and Economic Justice, took place in Brooklyn's Fort Greene Park, blending Jewish rituals with activism in support of a ceasefire between Israel and Gaza.
A mother recalls preparing for her daughter Havi's unconventional bat mitzvah at 18 months old, necessitated by Havi being diagnosed with Tay-Sachs disease.
Lior Ashkenazi, a highly acclaimed Israeli actor, is making a splash with American audiences in the TV series "We Were the Lucky Ones."
Cantor Azi Schwartz performed a heartfelt version of Adon Olam set to the tune of Coldplay's "A Sky Full of Stars" at his son Daniel's bar mitzvah, creating a special moment of connection between them.
In this article, the author explores the difference in price between a $40 etrog and a $100 etrog, both of which are sold by young vendors in the Orthodox neighborhood of Pico-Robertson in Los Angeles.
The author discusses the connection between modern Hebrew poetry and traditional Jewish sources, using Yehuda Amichai's poem "Beterem" as an example.
In "Kiddush Levanah on the Moon" by Joseph Helmreich, the story follows Zalman, a second-year scholar in a yeshiva, as he reunites with his former rebbe, Reb Velvel, on the moon.
In this article, the author explores the evolution of the Passover Seder and its focus on the Exodus story in the absence of the Temple and the korban pesah (Passover sacrifice).
This article discusses Queen Elizabeth II's relationship with the Jewish community throughout her 70-year reign.
A new organization called Bruchim aims to normalize the decision not to circumcise Jewish boys and hopes that synagogues will be more welcoming for families who make this choice.
The Talmudic text Tractate Menachot raises questions about the details of meal offerings, particularly regarding the use of oil in their preparation.
The text reflects on a video from 2002 showing the night before the writer's brother's gay marriage ceremony, where their father enthusiastically performed.
A New York state Supreme Court judge has allowed the Yom Kippur ritual of kapparot to proceed by ruling that there is insufficient evidence to prove it is a public nuisance.
Dr. Susan Nashman Fraiman, an art historian at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, discusses her research on the development of candle-lighting practices, particularly the Shabbat Lamp, among Ashkenazi Jews.
Author Anita Diamant, under lockdown in Newton near Boston following the bombings at the Boston Marathon, describes the eerie quiet amid a citywide manhunt for a suspect.
"Sukkah City" was a unique architectural competition initiated by Joshua Foer and Roger Bennett to challenge designers to create innovative sukkot, temporary structures central to the Jewish holiday of Sukkot.