Tag: Jewish Tradition

Singer-songwriter Aya Korem's new album, "Yours, A. Korem," features genderbent Hebrew covers of Leonard Cohen's songs, including a poignant interpretation of "Lover, Lover, Lover."
The text discusses the author's experience with baking challah and how they lost their motivation for it over the past year.
On Mothers Day, Rachel Goldberg-Polin, whose son Hersh is still in captivity in Gaza, shared a heartbreaking letter she wrote him on his third birthday.
The text discusses the issue of conformity and revisionist history within the Jewish religious community, noting a shift towards more stringent observance and customs, particularly within the right-wing religious circles.
Rabbi Mari Chernow reflects on the complexities of student movements on college campuses, addressing the dilemma faced by progressive Jews who may be perceived as part of the ruling class.
Rabbi and scholar Shlomo Brody discusses Jewish military ethics, particularly focusing on the ethics of fighting in war as seen through the Jewish tradition and the Israeli military's historical experience, in his new volume on the subject titled Ethics of Our Fighters.
Various rabbis provide perspectives on whether one can be disqualified from being Jewish.
The video demonstrates how to prepare a unique challah recipe with a pretzel twist for Shabbat.
The journalist Michael Gawenda reflects on his evolving relationship with Zionism and Jewish identity in his autobiography "My Life as a Jew."
The text reflects on the shared fate and historical struggles of the Jewish people, drawing parallels between the horrors of Auschwitz and the ongoing threats faced in places like the Gaza Envelope.
The video captures a Mother's Day brunch celebration.
The former chair of Dartmouth's Jewish Studies program, Annelise Orleck, was arrested for joining pro-Palestinian student protests despite warnings from the school.
A family is torn over the decision to scatter a mother's ashes in Israel, with the father insisting on the plan despite objections from the adult child due to safety concerns and political disagreements.
The video demonstrates how to make a challah bread shaped like a key, a custom in Judaism believed to bring blessings of financial stability and wealth.
Robin Weigert, known for her role in Hulu's Holocaust drama "We Were the Lucky Ones," discusses her deep connection to her character Nechuma and Jewish traditions in an interview.
Shlissel challah, a tradition for the first Shabbat after Pesach, involves baking a challah shaped like a key or containing a hidden key symbolizing good fortune and blessings.
The article discusses a controversial award-winning photograph showing the body of Shani Louk, a German-Israeli woman kidnapped and murdered by Hamas, being celebrated in a truck.
Shai Held's book, "Judaism Is about Love: Recovering the Heart of Jewish Life," argues that love is a central theme in Judaism, countering historical Christian misconceptions and internalized Jewish negativity towards this idea.
The Chevruta column by Jewish Currents delves into the act of self-immolation by Aaron Bushnell, a US Air Force member, outside the Israeli embassy in Washington, DC, as a protest against US complicity in the assaults on Palestine.
The text discusses the misconception that the philosopher and legal scholar Rambam legitimizes the modern charedi kollel system and exemption from army service.
Taffy Brodesser-Akner's upcoming novel, "Long Island Compromise," set for release in July, will be adapted into a TV series by Apple TV+, following a bidding war.
In this heartfelt account, a woman reminisces about her mother's special tradition of making Streits Matzo Ball soup mix for Passover, despite typically relying on semi-prepared foods.
Jewish environmental organizations are leveraging Jewish traditional thought, such as the concept of Bal Tashhit (do not destroy), to drive climate activism by emphasizing the importance of ethical responsibility and community-building.
The essay discusses the author's contrasting experiences at Passover Seders, one focusing on social justice and the other on traditional Jewish practices.
The text discusses the cyclical nature of Jewish existence, focusing on the story of Passover as a central narrative in Judaism.