Tag: Jewish Tradition

Mint Meda is hosting a unique Selichos event that aims to bring contemporary relevance to the traditional Jewish prayer.
This text reflects on the tradition of sending New Year cards in the Jewish community.
"Fiddler on the Roof" was originally going to start with a song about Shabbat called "We've Never Missed a Sabbath Yet."
Amidst the devastating wildfires that swept through Maui, Rabbi Mendel Zirkind and his wife Chana of Maui Kosher Farm stepped up to provide relief efforts.
In this discussion, Rabbi Shlomo Brody addresses the topic of capital punishment in Judaism, particularly in relation to the case of the Pittsburgh synagogue shooter.
Rabbi Shlomo Brody, director of an organization focused on aging, end-of-life care, and organ donation, discusses the topic of capital punishment within the Jewish tradition.
Allison Yarrow, author of Birth Control: The Insidious Power of Men Over Motherhood, discusses how the patriarchal medical industry in America has taken control over the birthing process, focusing on cost incentives rather than evidence-based care.
This text discusses the interpretation of a midrash in Midrash Tehillim where King David asks God to reward those who read and recite Psalms as if they studied the topics of skin lesions and tent impurities.
In this article, the author explores the topic of food and drink in Jewish celebrations.
In this podcast episode, the host explores the significance of Hebrew calligraphy in Jewish tradition.
The article discusses a recent protest march in New York City in solidarity with Israeli protesters who are demonstrating against the Israeli government's push to limit the power of the Supreme Court.
The author announces that there will be a conversation instead of a guest on their upcoming Zoom call.
In this article, Sarah Imhoff discusses how ancient Jewish texts acknowledged gender diversity beyond the male and female binary.
In this personal reflection, the author discusses their love for reading and television and how Shabbos has allowed them to reconnect with their childhood love of reading.
The author explains why they enjoy reading on Shabbos.
This article reflects on an act of civil disobedience in the context of a labor dispute in Los Angeles.
In this short story, Joel Bar Yehia, the owner of a golem factory, is facing a drought that has caused production to come to a halt due to a lack of resources.
Rabbi Angela Buchdahl shares her experience of being faced with a life-threatening situation when a gunman held hostages at a synagogue in Texas.
Fans of Taylor Swift have been experiencing amnesia after attending her Eras tour concert, with many unable to remember important details of the performance.
The author points out the absence of Moses in the celebration of Shavuot, a holiday that commemorates the giving of the law.
The writer of the letter is estranged from their sister because of her views on Israel, which the writer considers antisemitic.
Jewish tradition emphasizes humanity's responsibility to care for and protect the environment, viewing it as a form of stewardship.
In his book "Impossible Takes Longer: 75 Years After Its Creation, Has Israel Fulfilled Its Founders Dreams?", Daniel Gordis argues that despite the challenges and pain Israel has faced, it has fundamentally changed the condition of the Jewish people and should provide a case for optimism.
In this article, a Chabad-Lubavitch rabbi reflects on the challenges faced by Jews in former Soviet countries, particularly in Ukraine and Russia.
The author reflects on their experience as a day school parent and argues for the idea that Jewish day schools should be free or more affordable.