Tag: Jewish Wisdom

Gad Elmaleh, a prominent Jewish comedian from France, explores the theme of religious identity in his latest movie, "Stay With Us," where his character contemplates converting to Catholicism.
Rav Chaim and Rebbetzin Batsheva Kanievsky were a deeply inspirational couple known for providing solace to the Jewish community.
The discussion revolves around the significance of names and the impact they have on our lives.
In a time of crisis and uncertainty, Rabbi Dov Foxbrunner reflects on the struggles and anxieties faced by many amid conflict, conveying a message of hope and purpose drawn from Jewish teachings.
This article discusses the debate surrounding whether students should be disciplined for chanting the slogan "From the river to the sea."
In a discussion about coping with depression from a Jewish perspective, different rabbis offer their insights.
The author presents three questions to ask oneself when listening to a Dvar Torah (a Torah discourse).
A personal anecdote is shared about a 14-year-old who was entrusted with caring for their rebbi, Rav Henoch Leibowitz, who was scheduled for surgery and had no one else available.
"Gratitude with Grace: An Inspirational and Practical Approach to Living Life as a Gift" by Sarah S. Berkovits explores the power of gratitude through real-life stories, scientific research, and guided imagery exercises.
Jamie Geller hosts an annual Tisha B'Av program with Aish that aims to inspire viewers to connect with their Jewish identity and share timeless Jewish wisdom with the world.
Avrum Rosensweig is described as embodying the role of a Rabbi through his actions and intentions rather than formal education.
In this article, the author emphasizes the importance of recognizing and admitting what we don't know.
This text explores the complex personality of King Solomon (Shlomo) as depicted in the book of Kings and Chronicles.
Repentance is a powerful concept in Judaism, but it can be difficult to understand how it brings about change.
The text reflects on the challenging task of finding sense and order within the Talmud, suggesting that perhaps the value lies in grappling with complexity and ambiguity to uncover meaning.
The reflections on Chanukah delve into the differences between Greek and Jewish modes of thinking, examining how the Greeks aimed to blur the distinction between their culture and Judaism through their focus on universal knowledge and the assimilation of Jewish practices.
The discussion on 'Whither Jerusalem?' addresses the recent violence in Jerusalem and the debate on the potential start of the Third Intifada, proposing the idea of a divided city serving as a bridge between peoples.