Tag: Jewish Women

The text discusses the concept of supporting a husband's spiritual growth in a marriage, drawing on the wisdom of the Eishes Chayil from Proverbs and insights from various Jewish scholars.
Penina, a college student, befriends Rivi, a frum girl with her life meticulously planned.
"Displaced Persons" by Joan Leegant is a collection of poignant stories focusing on characters struggling with afflictions, trauma, and a search for stability and renewal.
"Being Rina: The Collected Writings of Rina Wolfson" provides a deep insight into the life and experiences of British Jewish woman Rina Wolfson from 1972 to 2021, capturing her wit and wisdom.
The article criticizes the politicization of victims of sexual assault, highlighting a Times piece that skewed the truth for a specific agenda regarding incidents of rape at Nova festival, Route 232, and Kibbutz Reim.
Moment Magazine received 19 Rockower Awards at the American Jewish Press Association celebration, showcasing their diverse and high-quality journalism.
The author reflects on their struggles with self-image and beauty standards, having been told they weren't conventionally pretty as a teenager.
Hadassah, The Women's Zionist Organization of America, has named 18 American women as exceptional Zionists in a diverse list that includes individuals from various backgrounds and professions, such as actress Debra Messing and poet Tova Ricardo.
Fania Oz-Salzberger's column on humanist Zionism in Moment magazine gained significant attention and praise for offering a nuanced perspective on Zionism in response to those who have branded it as racist.
The text delves into the stereotype of the Jewish mother, often portrayed as overbearing and guilt-inducing.
The article reflects on the spiritual significance and challenges of preparing for Passover and caring for family members, highlighting the connection between caregiving and religious practice.
In light of the ongoing Israel-Hamas war and the plight of hostages in Gaza, Jewish communities are incorporating new symbolic items and rituals into their Passover seders to address these current crises.
The article emphasizes the importance of including the stories of enslaved Jewish women in the Passover Seder narrative, focusing on the challenges faced by these women during the Exodus from Egypt.
Jewish women in the Renaissance era played a significant role in formulating cosmetics, creating advanced products such as anti-wrinkle creams and SPFs, often overlooked by scientists of the time.
Henrietta Szold (1860-1945) is celebrated for founding Hadassah, the Women's Zionist Organization of America, which achieved remarkable success among Zionist groups.
Artist Andi Arnovitz's creation "What We Bring" is a symbolic tribute to the strength of over 2,000 impactful Jewish women.
The video explores the stories of 5 Jewish women from history who made significant impacts on the world, including Queen Esther, Asnat Barzani, Hannah Senesh, Golda Meir, and Bella Abzug.
A recent UN report highlights the rapes and sexual violence committed by Hamas, pointing out a disturbing silence from women's organizations regarding these crimes against Jewish women, despite their usual advocacy against such violence.
Fran Drescher and Barbra Streisand, two iconic Jewish women from Queens and Brooklyn, respectively, had a magical conversation covering acting, directing, feminism, and more.
Jenny Slate's new Amazon Prime special "Seasoned Professional" celebrates Jewish women with humor that is loud, crass, and unapologetically herself.
Ayala shares her story of struggling with chronic illness following difficult pregnancies and developing a benign tumor in her pituitary gland, which affected her ability to absorb nutrients properly.
A Jewish woman, known for her adaptation of Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice" featuring a female Shylock, recounts facing increased police interactions due to the play's success and her outspokenness against antisemitism, misogyny, and bullying.
The author discusses the failure of feminist movements to address the brutal assault on Israeli women and girls by Hamas during the recent conflict in Israel and Gaza.
Janice Weizman's book "Our Little Histories" delves into Jewish history and identity from the perspectives of everyday women.
Actress Julianna Margulies faced backlash after making controversial remarks about pro-Palestine college students, specifically targeting queer and Black students.