Tag: Mental Health

Following the deadly attack by Hamas on Israel on October 7, the Hadassah Medical Organization is at the forefront of addressing the ongoing psychological impact on survivors, including children and families experiencing trauma, emotional stress, and post-traumatic stress disorder.
The video discusses how to make friends later in life, particularly focusing on forming friendships with other moms.
The Conservative Party in Britain, under Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, faces allegations of corruption related to bets placed on the election date, reflecting a sense of decay within the party.
Rabbi Garfield and Rabbi Schonfeld delve into the topic of mental health stigmas alongside Dr. Yossi Shafer PhD in a podcast episode.
Tzenius, often translated as modesty, holds a deeper meaning revolving around an inner focus on spirituality and self-worth.
Gateways: Access to Jewish Education, with the support of the Ruderman Family Foundation, has taken proactive steps to address the increasing mental health challenges among students in Jewish day schools.
Jewish therapists across the United States, particularly in Chicago, are facing an increasingly hostile environment in the mental health field due to their Zionism.
The rise of antisemitism in recent years has had a significant psychological impact on Jewish individuals across various age groups, leading to anxiety, disrupted sleep, and eroded relationships.
Language plays a crucial role in how we perceive and discuss mental health, and the use of stigmatizing or trivializing language can have harmful effects on individuals dealing with mental illness.
An update on mental health issues in the latest video from a Jewish content creator.
The discussion in "The Elephant in the Therapy Room: The Conversation Continues" revolves around the age and life experience of therapists, particularly within the frum community.
In the aftermath of an attack on Oct. 7, which led to a strong display of Jewish unity, there is a call for this unity to include queer Jews.
The author reflects on feeling like a motherless child despite her mother being alive, detailing her mother's erratic behavior that went unexplained in the 1960s.
A mother describes the challenges of caring for her struggling daughter, Chaya Leah, amidst family chaos and emotional turmoil.
A Jewish therapist delves into the complexities of the relationship between financial stress and mental health, offering insights on societal pressures, financial management, and self-worth beyond financial success in an enlightening episode of KOSHER MONEY.
Volunteering as an older adult, as seen through the lens of individuals like Chava David and Reta Fivish at Yad Sarah, not only benefits the recipients of the service but also has positive implications for the volunteers themselves.
A licensed clinical psychologist specializing in eating disorders discusses the complexities of using Ozempic for weight management and the significance of picky eating as potential indicators of deeper psychological issues or emerging eating disorders.
The discussion in "The Medium is Messy" explores the impact of smartphones on youth, with Jewish writer Jonathan Haidt warning of negative effects like a mental health crisis and increased screen time.
The text challenges stereotypes about the Jewish community, highlighting the pervasive need and vast challenges faced by individuals, including hidden vulnerabilities.
The article emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and addressing the diverse challenges within the Jewish community, challenging stereotypes of uniform prosperity and resilience.
The article explores the impact of affluence on mental health within Orthodox Jewish communities, highlighting the pursuit of material success and social comparisons as sources of stress and dissatisfaction.
Jewish educators, particularly those with connections to Israel, have reported experiencing recurring nightmares and trauma related to the events of Oct. 7, likely triggered by visits to sites like Kfar Aza and conversations with survivors and families affected by terrorism.
A growing number of parents in north London, including those at the Eden Primary School, are advocating for a ban on smartphones for children until the age of 14 and delaying access to social media until 16, due to concerns about the negative impact of these devices on children's mental health.
Dr. Yael Muskat and Dr. Martin Galla discuss mental health challenges faced by young adults transitioning into adulthood, including those in the Jewish community, in a podcast episode sponsored by Terri and Andrew Herenstein.
The article discusses the concept of "Off the Derech Fear," which refers to parents having an unreasonable fear that their children may abandon their religious path.