Tag: Mental Illness

Language plays a crucial role in how we perceive and discuss mental health, and the use of stigmatizing or trivializing language can have harmful effects on individuals dealing with mental illness.
Jaime Tran, a mentally ill individual, has agreed to plead guilty to federal hate crimes after shooting two Jewish men in Los Angeles following their synagogue prayers.
The article discusses the difference between the Medical Approach and the Social Model of disability, using the example of a controversial video by Mr. Beast curing blindness for 1,000 people to illustrate the misunderstanding surrounding disability.
The text criticizes the glorification of Aaron Bushnell, a US Air Force member who tragically self-immolated outside the Israeli embassy in Washington DC as a form of protest against the conflict in Gaza.
Ayala shares her story of struggling with chronic illness following difficult pregnancies and developing a benign tumor in her pituitary gland, which affected her ability to absorb nutrients properly.
The FBI found antisemitic material in the home of Genesse Moreno, the woman who opened fire in a Texas megachurch.
The Canadian government has decided to delay the expansion of medical assistance in dying (MAiD) until 2027, a program that currently does not include patients with mental illness.
In this week's Antisemitism Monitor newsletter, several incidents of antisemitism are highlighted.
In "Journey to the Ends of Psychiatry," Rachel Aviv recounts her own experience with anorexia as a child, as well as profiles of individuals who have also navigated the mental health system.
In the book "One Friday in April," Donald Antrim recounts his experience with attempted suicide, hospitalization, and recovery.
This personal essay reflects on the author's experience with her father's disappearance and subsequent death, as well as their shared connection to baseball.
The article explores the impact of COVID-19 on mental health and discusses Halakhic approaches to mental illness in light of the pandemic.
Grafton Thomas, accused of stabbing five Hasidic Jews in Monsey, NY, during a Hanukkah party, has been charged with a federal hate crime by the FBI.
Stephen Fried emphasizes the importance of addressing mental illness within the Jewish community, pointing out that there is a lack of open discussion about mental health issues, failed awareness efforts, and outdated beliefs like relying solely on prayer for treatment.
The author reflects on the complex relationship with their mother, who struggled with mental illness and drug abuse before passing away.
Efforts are being made within the Jewish community to address the taboo surrounding suicide and mental illness.
Nelly Sachs, a Jewish poet who escaped the Third Reich and won the Nobel Prize for Literature, underwent a remarkable transformation in her work post-Holocaust.
This article discusses three Jewish women who are finalists for the National Book Critic Circle's best autobiography award.