Tag: Monotheism

Misha Shulman's play "Pharaoh" delves into the character of the villain from the Exodus story, aiming to humanize him and explore his relationship with his son, challenging traditional narratives.
In this open letter, Rabbi Oury Cherki explores Judaism's view of Islam and calls for constructive dialogue between the two religions.
The article explores the importance of contrarian thinking within Jewish culture and history.
In this article, the author reflects on the different forms and long history of anti-Semitism, highlighting that throughout the centuries, Jew-hatred has taken various cultural, religious, racial, and nationalist guises.
The author addresses the issue of religion being used as a justification for violence, specifically in relation to the events perpetrated by Hamas.
In "Dostoevsky's Demonologies of Terror," the discussion delves into the themes of desire, rebellion, ideological purity, and evil in Dostoevsky's works, particularly focusing on "Demons" as a commentary on revolutionary terror rooted in the Nechaev-Ivanov affair.
The text discusses the controversial document "Dabru Emet: A Jewish Statement on Christians and Christianity," which was written as a response to changes in Church doctrine regarding Jews and Christianity.
The text explores a conversation between an Orthodox Jew and an atheist friend about morality without belief in God, highlighting the Orthodox perspective of linking morality to religious belief.
In "The Sounds of Silence," John Gray, a retired philosophy professor, critiques atheist thinking for resembling monotheism in seeking an intelligible order in a potentially chaotic world.
Scott Shay, a banker heavily involved in Jewish community work, noticed a lack of understanding about the concept of God among Jewish youth influenced by New Atheist writers like Dawkins and Harris.
Freud's controversial work "Moses and Monotheism" presents a reinterpreted history where Moses, an Egyptian noble and monotheist, unites the Israelites and introduces a new form of monotheistic religion.
Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove questioned the relevance of Jewish studies professors to the broader Jewish community, highlighting the disconnect between academic work and everyday Jewish life.
The text examines the story of the Binding of Isaac from the perspective of whether Abraham failed the test imposed by God.
Yemen, known today as a haven for al-Qaida, was once ruled by Jewish kings of the Himyarite dynasty for over 150 years, profoundly impacting Arabian history.
Stephen Prothero challenges the notion that all religions teach the same thing by highlighting the vast differences in beliefs and practices among the world's religious traditions.
"Saving God" explores themes of idolatry and human fallenness from both Jewish and Christian perspectives.
The discussion on the idea of Abrahamic religions presents a nuanced view on the figure of Abraham/Ibrahim in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.