Tag: R' Wittensteins

This episode discusses the founding of the Jewish Community of Amsterdam, exploring the legends surrounding its establishment.
This episode discusses the hidden century of the Crypto Jews, focusing on those Jews who were forced to convert in Portugal in 1497.
This podcast episode explores the question of why study history and why it is often challenging for people.
This podcast episode reflects on the lessons to be learned from the COVID-19 crisis, drawing parallels with Tanachic rules for understanding significant events.
In this discussion, the focus is on understanding the Vilna Gaon's opposition to the Besht, particularly in relation to their approaches to Haalas Nitzotzim.
This episode delves into the concept of Tzimtzum from a Chassidic perspective, particularly focusing on the stance taken within Chassidus regarding a disagreement between R' Emanuel Chai Ricco and R' Yosef Irgus.
This episode delves into the Gaon's criticism of Chassidim regarding Kibud Av and explores key concepts surrounding Tzimtzum.
In this episode, the discussion centers around the concept of Haalas Nitzotzim, raising the sparks, a key issue that the Vilna Gaon debated with the Besht.
In this podcast sponsored by Rabbi Ari Senter and his father, the discussion revolves around the significance of mourning on Tisha B'Av and the difficulty in connecting to this day of national tragedy.
This episode delves into the controversies surrounding the Ramchal, focusing on the specific causes that led to each.
This episode delves into the early life of the Ramchal, focusing on his youth and his first Rebbe, R' Yitzchak Chaim Kantorini.
This episode discusses the search for the lost Ten Tribes and the possibility of them being in Western India, exploring the evidence and historical interest in this topic.
This episode explores the challenge of embracing the authenticity of Torah in our current era and questions the difference in how we perceive Tanach compared to the words of Chazal.
The episode delves into the significant influence of R Emanuel Chai Ricco's book, Mishnas Chassidim, on Kabbalistic learning in the 1700s, particularly in connection to the Kloiz of Brody.
The episode discusses the golden era of Italian Mekubalim in the 18th century, focusing on the lesser-known figure R' Emanuel Chai Rico.
In this episode, the discussion focuses on the historical legacy of Rabbi Levi Yitzchok as a key defender of the Jewish people.