Tag: Reform Judaism

The Re-Charging Reform Judaism conference held at Stephen Wise Free Synagogue discussed internal divisions and concerns within the Reform movement.
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an increase in conversions to Reform Judaism, particularly among the LGBTQ+ community.
The letter writer, a Reform Jewish teenager, is grappling with the question of whether they can be both religious and engage in behaviors they describe as "slutty."
A new report from environmental group Dayenu urges Jewish institutions in the U.S. to divest billions of dollars from the fossil fuel industry.
This article discusses the Jewish holiday of Sukkot and the author's experience celebrating it.
Rabbi Ammiel Hirsch, the senior rabbi of Stephen Wise Free Synagogue in New York City, emphasizes the importance of Zionism as a core value of Judaism.
This text explores themes of Jewish identity, Zionism, and the challenges faced by Jews throughout history.
Los Angeles has seen significant changes in its Jewish community in recent years.
Rabbi Ammiel Hirsch of the Stephen Wise Free Synagogue criticizes Reform rabbinic students for signing an open letter that was critical of Israel during the conflict with Hamas.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rabbi Robyn and her son Benji discuss the rewards and challenges of religious diversity within their family.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rabbi Robyn, a Reform rabbi who works with interfaith families, and her son Benji, who now identifies as Orthodox and learns in the Mir Yeshiva, discuss the challenges and rewards of religious diversity within their family.
Adam Sutcliffe's book, "What Are Jews For?", explores the question of the Jewish purpose throughout history.
The author reflects on how her celebration of Christmas as a child, despite being Jewish, gradually lost its appeal as she grew older.
The author reflects on her journey of finding her voice as a singer, starting from her time at a Reform Jewish summer camp where music was integral, to her experiences in theater and in her Reform temple.
The Conservative and Reform movements in Judaism have been becoming more similar for years, and now with the coronavirus pandemic, another difference between them has been erased.
The text discusses the experiences of a biracial Jewish woman who faced racism and ignorance within Jewish spaces, including being mistaken for the help and treated as an outsider in both black and Jewish communities.
In episode 213 of the podcast "Knowing, Doing, and Being," the discussion revolves around the Jewish identity and engagement efforts of presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Mike Bloomberg, as well as insights from Andrew Rehfeld, the new president of Hebrew Union College.
Many Israelis only connect with Judaism when they come to America due to feeling overwhelmed by religious coercion in Israel, leading them to explore their Jewish identity and practice more openly abroad.
A Jewish individual recounts their journey from an Orthodox upbringing to eventually embracing Reform Judaism, particularly due to its inclusive stance towards LGBTQ individuals and emphasis on social justice issues.
Amidst rising anti-Semitism and a decline in Jewish literacy, the issue of conversion has become a contentious topic among Reform, Conservative, and Orthodox Jews in the United States and Israel.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss the financial implications of new elections in Israel, the rise of Israeli conservatism influenced by Reagan-Thatcher policies within Modern Orthodoxy, and the call for non-religious political activism among Israeli Jews.
The video explores David's fixation on waging war to take over Jerusalem and build a Temple, while also touching on his past as a admired warrior and husband of Michal, with insights on his kingship and God's influence, alongside other Hebrew Bible stories featured.
The video explores the relationship between David and Michal as they navigate King Saul's attempts to get David killed, showcasing David as a husband while posing questions about his fate as a potential king.
An animated retelling of the story of King David in the Bible, focusing on his humble beginnings as a shepherd and his prophesied rise to becoming the next King of Israel, while dealing with King Saul's struggles with evil spirits and the Philistines.