Tag: Shabbat

Javier Milei, a libertarian politician in Argentina, emerged as the leading vote-getter in the national primary elections.
Authors Candace Bazemore and Gabby Leon Spatt, members of AJC Atlanta's Black/Jewish Coalition and participants in AJC's Project Understanding, discuss their award-winning children's book, Shabbat and Sunday Dinner, and their efforts to build stronger bridges between the Black and Jewish communities.
This article discusses the relationship between halacha (Jewish law), science, and the identification of kosher birds.
This text appears to be a set of guidelines on republishing articles from the Forward, a Jewish media publication.
The Conservative movement's Committee on Jewish Law and Standards has approved the use of electric cars on Shabbat by a close vote, with 10 members in favor and six against.
In this article, the author explores the limitations and creative potential of ChatGPT, an AI language model, in relation to Jewish cuisine.
A group of Jewish writers from The Forward discuss their thoughts on the new Barbie movie, exploring its connection to Jewish culture and feminist ideals.
The article discusses the writer's experience with creating an AI bot named MiraBot modeled after her specific identity as a millennial Jewish woman with unique preferences and beliefs.
Clore Tikva, a primary school in Redbridge, received an outstanding rating for its Jewish studies program, surpassing its previous inspection.
This article traces the culinary history and cultural significance of beets in Jewish cuisine.
The podcast episode "Coronation Cholent: Ep. 368" from Unorthodox features Chief Rabbi Sir Ephraim Mirvis discussing his experiences as the Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations and his commitment to interfaith work.
A group representing all denominations of the Jewish faith has announced several modifications to shorten synagogue services, following the lead of Major League Baseball in streamlining rules to increase fan attendance.
The author describes themselves as a six-strand loaf of braided challah bread, with each strand representing a different flavor and essence.
Jazz Fest Shabbat is a unique tradition in New Orleans that combines the city's iconic Jazz Fest with Shabbat prayers.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, one family has found solace and connection through a weekly Shabbat Zoom call that has continued even after the public health emergency ended.
During the pandemic, the author found solace and connection with nature in the mystical Jewish text, Perek Shirah.
Manitoba's Lieutenant Governor, Anita Neville, expressed admiration for King Charles after meeting him in person and discussing various topics, confident in his abilities as a monarch.
Brian Mandel, a gay man, has been protesting outside Kehillas Hollywood Hills, an Orthodox synagogue in South Florida, every Shabbat since late January.
The article discusses the question of whether using voice-activated technology, such as OK, Google, is permissible on Shabbat.
In this article, the author explores the humble yet versatile ingredient of raisins in Jewish cuisine.
The author shares their personal experience of opening their home to a Ukrainian refugee family who fled the war in Ukraine.
The letter writer is feeling disillusioned with dating Jewish and has tried various dating apps without success.
This article discusses the significance of the Torah portion Parshat Yitro and its connection to Jewish Father-in-Laws Day.
Zeev Remer, a freshman Orthodox Jewish basketball player at California Lutheran University, faces challenges balancing his observant lifestyle with sports, often having to explain Jewish practices like Shabbat and dietary restrictions to his Christian teammates.
In this personal essay, the author reflects on their experience of celebrating Shabbat alone during the Covid-19 pandemic.