Tag: Socialism

The essay discusses the intersection of pro-Palestinian activism with communist and terrorist ideologies on a university campus during a Jewish event.
In "The Magic Ladle: Women, Science, and Nutrition in the History of Israel" by Erela Taharlev Ben-Shachar, the author explores how food, particularly the orange and vegetables, played a significant role in the evolution of the Israeli kitchen and society.
Maria Elvira Salazar, a former TV journalist, unexpectedly won the recent election in Florida's 27th congressional district, defeating incumbent Rep. Donna Shalala.
Frank Crosswaith, a prominent African-American labor organizer and socialist leader, is highlighted on Juneteenth, a holiday celebrating the end of slavery in the United States.
The author argues that the American Revolution has never truly ended and that Mayor Bill de Blasio's statement about wealth redistribution reflects a rebellion against the fundamental principles of American civilization.
The text discusses the current state of America, calling it backward, dysfunctional, and anti-intellectual, pointing out issues such as political incompetence, economic troubles, and social unrest.
In this discussion, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Don Futterman cover three main topics: the interrogation of five fifteen-year-olds suspected of killing a Palestinian woman without legal representation, a debate about civility towards a student who came to class in a military uniform, and the concept of educators sacrificing personal gain for higher ideals.
The text discusses the contrasting socialist visions of Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn, noting their differences in ideological background and political goals.
The kibbutz, once viewed as a successful utopian experiment in Israel, has undergone significant changes over the years, with many kibbutzim privatizing and facing disillusionment.
Bernie Sanders, a Democratic presidential candidate, gained attention when it was revealed that he stayed at Shaar Ha'amakim kibbutz in Israel in 1963.
Daniel Bell, a prominent figure among the New York intellectuals, emerged from a Jewish immigrant neighborhood with leftist influences.
The text explores the historical relationship between the kibbutz movement and the State of Israel, detailing the challenges faced by the kibbutzim since the country's independence in 1948.
The documentary "Inventing Our Life" explores the history and evolution of the kibbutz movement, shedding light on the communal lifestyle and its significance in Israeli society.
The text discusses the author's relationship with Irving Howe and their collaboration on Yiddish literature projects.