Tag: Torah Study

Israel's Supreme Court, in a unanimous decision, has ruled to draft all Charedim into the army, causing uproar in the ultra-Orthodox community that views Torah study as paramount.
In response to a High Court ruling that charedim must serve in the IDF, there is criticism of the charedi community's focus on Torah study and exemption from military service.
The article discusses a story of a young man in captivity in Moldova after being caught trying to smuggle narcotics disguised as dog food in a desperate attempt to earn $500.
The YouTube video titled "In Search of Moses' Trumpets | Parshah Rabbit Hole Ep. 36 (Behaalosecha)" delves into the topic of a pair of Trumpets that belonged to Moses, accompanied by a source sheet for further exploration.
The text discusses the deep symbolism of lighting the menorah and its parallels to parenting and teaching.
The controversy surrounding an "Antisemitic" cartoon in Mekor Rishon depicts a charedi yeshiva student atop a wounded soldier, highlighting the exemption of charedim from IDF service and their belief that Torah study protects soldiers.
Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch, an esteemed Rosh Yeshiva in Israel, is facing criticism for his staunch opposition to allowing Charedi students to be drafted into the IDF, leading to financial crises in yeshivos due to revoked government funding.
In Shiur 469, the discussion focuses on the challenges of learning Torah when facing various obstacles, such as life stresses, distractions, or military service.
New York is celebrating Shavuot 2024 with a variety of events across the city.
Yom Yerushalayim in 1967 marked a triumphant moment for Israel, with the IDF regaining the Kotel and other territories in just 6 days.
The author expresses concern over a phenomenon within the Charedi Yeshiva world that emphasizes full-time Torah study to the exclusion of other pursuits, leading to a lack of appreciation for individuals who choose to combine Torah study with work or secular studies.
"Goyhood" is Reuven Fenton's debut novel following the lives of twin brothers David and Marty Belkin from adolescence in New Moab, Georgia to middle age, where their divergent paths culminate in a road trip revealing family secrets.
The text discusses the story of Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai and the women in his life: his mother (Eishet Yohai), wife (Eishet Shimon), and daughter-in-law (Eishet Elazar).
The author discusses the importance of creating a culture of learning for women in Torah study, particularly in Gemara and Talmud, similar to the vibrant environment commonly found among male learners in Jewish houses of study.
A man recalls a special moment with his father at a hockey game in 1986 where he received a puck from his favorite player, Mike Bossy, as a gift.
The text criticizes a recent statement by the Moetzes Gedolei Torah of Agudas Yisrael in America, highlighting logical and historical contradictions in their position on military service and Torah study.
The text discusses the misconception that the philosopher and legal scholar Rambam legitimizes the modern charedi kollel system and exemption from army service.
Joseph Lieberman, a prominent Orthodox Jewish politician in US history, was known for shaping his political views and conduct through Torah study and Orthodox influences.
The text discusses the controversy surrounding the issue of yeshiva students being drafted into the IDF, particularly in the perspective of Charedi rabbis who oppose such drafts.
The statement by the American Agudah's Moetzes expressing the Charedi position on military service exemption for yeshiva students in Israel has sparked controversy and raised questions.
Rabbi Dr. Natan Slifkin responds to an article in Mishpacha Magazine discussing the charedi avoidance of army service, critiquing the interview with Rav Yitzchok Berkovits of Aish HaTorah.
Chief Rabbi Sir Ephraim Mirvis has initiated the Shalem Fellowship program for university students in London aiming to promote advanced Jewish learning.
The debate in Israel regarding the military draft of Haredi yeshiva students has intensified as exemptions have expired, leading to court orders barring subsidies and potential future draft enforcement.
Jewish volunteers at Rikers Island, NYC's largest jail, lead prayer services and connect with inmates like Howard Padilla, who found solace and mental health through Judaism while incarcerated.
Chaim Goldberg responds to Tzvi Goldstein's essay on Centrist Orthodoxy and Haredi Orthodoxy by highlighting nuances in Ramhal's Mesilat Yesharim that challenge Goldstein's interpretation.