Tag: Torah Study

This article discusses the ongoing "Shidduch crisis" in the non-Chasidic Yeshiva world, specifically the issue of an increasing number of single women unable to find husbands.
The article discusses the issue of Charedi religious leaders and their resistance to change in the Charedi community.
This text discusses the interpretation of a midrash in Midrash Tehillim where King David asks God to reward those who read and recite Psalms as if they studied the topics of skin lesions and tent impurities.
The political party of the Ashkenaz charedi community, United Torah Judaism (UTJ), has proposed a new Basic Law called "A Basic Law: Torah Study" in the Knesset.
The discussion revolves around the biblical commandment to be fruitful and multiply.
The article discusses the experience of a young man who felt hurt and rejected by rabbis due to his sexual orientation.
This article tells the personal story of the author's encounter with Rabbi Dov Singer and the impact he has had on their religious life.
The Adirei HaTorah gathering at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia honored a group of men engaged in full-time Torah study at Beth Medrash Govoha, the largest yeshiva outside of Israel.
This article explores the interpretation of King David's request to God regarding the recitation of Psalms in relation to the study of the laws of skin lesions and tent impurities.
Rabbi Yohanan, a sage in the third century CE, repeatedly teaches the book of Job and concludes with the idea that everyone, both humans and animals, are destined to die.
Rabbi Dovid Bashevkin and Professor Moshe Koppel discuss how artificial intelligence (AI) is being used in Torah study.
In a conversation with Jewish Action, Rabbi Dr. Aaron Glatt discusses the potential uses and limitations of AI in halachic decision-making.
This essay pays tribute to Rav Moshe Kahn ztl, a beloved and influential teacher of Torah, particularly to women.
"Bible Dynamics: Contemporary Torah Commentary" is a multi-volume work by Dr. Pinchas Polonsky, a Jewish scholar and educator.
Several letters in this issue of Jewish Action address the topic of the teacher shortage in Jewish day schools.
The author highlights the value of bringing Jewish teens from different religious backgrounds together to study Torah and build connections.
The Winter 2022 issue of Inside the OU highlights various happenings within the Orthodox Union (OU).
The author reflects on their journey of exploring Jewish identity and spirituality.
Rav Chaim Kanievsky was a unique and revered figure in the world of Torah study.
Rav Chaim Kanievsky, a revered Torah scholar, left a lasting impact on the Jewish community.
In this episode of TanakhCast, the hosts discuss the True Turn Edition, an ongoing series in which they explore and analyze four chapters of the Tanakh biweekly, starting from Genesis to 2 Chronicles.
The Book of Deuteronomy, also known as Sefer Devarim in Hebrew, consists primarily of Moses's final speech to the Israelites before his death.
The author discusses her journey of discovering modern Jewish art, specifically paintings that depict Torah study and learning.
The author, a mother of four children who are Russian, Black, and Jewish, reflects on the value of Jewish day schools in instilling pride in their Jewish identity and providing a strong educational foundation.
This text discusses two ethical dilemmas faced in Jewish communal life.