Tag: Torah Study

This article highlights the existence of a shidduch (matchmaking) crisis within the Charedi (ultra-Orthodox) and Modern Orthodox (MO) communities, each with different reasons behind it.
There may be a shift happening in the Charedi world, particularly in Israel, regarding the perception of full-time Torah study as the only legitimate option.
In this article, the author discusses how studying the Exodus story in the Torah has provided them comfort and a sense of reclaiming safety in the face of contemporary antisemitism and threats facing Israel and the Jewish people.
In this episode, Yehuda Halper from Bar-Ilan University discusses the writings of Maimonides.
The author presents three questions to ask oneself when listening to a Dvar Torah (a Torah discourse).
Exploring the connection between crocodiles and Torah, this episode delves into the symbolism and significance of the plague of frogs in Parshah Vaera.
The Letter of the Mothers is a public letter written by Dr. Tehila Elitzur, a Torah teacher at Herzog College, addressed to the mothers of ultra-Orthodox yeshiva students.
The article discusses the question of whether studying Torah takes precedence over other important obligations in Judaism.
In this article, the author discusses the trend of attaching career goals and qualifications to women's Torah study.
In this bonus episode, the hosts of the podcast discuss various topics based on questions submitted by listeners.
Rabbi Shai Graucher, known for his close association with Rav Chaim Kanievsky and his works on his teachings, has garnered praise for his tremendous acts of kindness during the war.
Rav Dovid Leibel is a Charedi rabbi who has taken positions that are not in line with traditional Charedi orthodoxy.
The article discusses several reasons why Harvard University President Claudine Gay should resign, including her refusal to address calls for genocide against Jews in a Congressional hearing and recent plagiarism accusations.
The author discusses the lack of unity among Orthodox Jews, particularly between the Dati (religious Zionist and Modern Orthodox) and Charedi communities in Israel when it comes to military service.
The digital age has revolutionized Jewish education by providing unprecedented access to texts through websites, digital publications, videos, podcasts, and more.
This discussion delves into understanding R' Chaim Volozhin's perspective on Torah Lishma and how it relates to the insights of the Vilna Gaon.
Since the October attack by Hamas, hundreds of Haredim (Ultra-Orthodox Jews) have enlisted in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), seen as a milestone in their integration into Israeli society.
Javier Gerardo Milei, an economist and political candidate in Argentina, has gained attention for his controversial views and proposed radical changes to the country's economy.
Rav Meir Shapiro, known for his creation of the daf yomi program, also had another significant accomplishment: the establishment of Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin.
In this text, Rabbi Dr. Michael Rosensweig discusses Rambam's views on loving God and studying Torah, particularly in relation to the concept of teshuva (repentance).
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rabbi Michael Rosensweig discusses the importance of Torah study and its role in the process of teshuva (repentance).
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rabbi Michael Rosensweig discusses the importance of returning to Torah study as a means of teshuva (repentance).
Tablet Magazine is highlighting the work of the Aleph Institute, an organization that provides support to incarcerated individuals and their families as well as working towards criminal justice reform.
In this article, the author discusses the issue of military service exemptions for Charedi Jews in Israel.
In this article, the author expresses admiration for Jonathan Rosenblum, a prominent spokesperson for the Charedi community.