Tag: Torah Study

TanakhCast #205 explores the challenge of interpreting and understanding complex texts in the Tanakh.
In this video by R. Joseph Dweck, he discusses the principles found in the writings of Rambam (also known as Maimonides).
The author reflects on their youthful religious experiences in yeshiva and the misconception that those years are the pinnacle of religious growth.
This text does not contain any information or discussion about "Halakhic Innovation from R. Haim David Halevi - R. Joseph Dweck."
In this episode of TanakhCast, the hosts explore the theme of friendship in the Tanakh.
Rabbi David Fohrman's new book, "Genesis: A Parsha Companion," offers a pathway to Tanakh study that puts the text at the center and allows readers to reach powerful, meaningful conclusions about its meaning.
Aggadah is one of the two parts of the Talmud, with the other being the Halachic portions.
In episode 193 of TanakhCast, the hosts discuss the Follybook Edition.
In episode 189 of TanakhCast, the podcast series that examines the Tanakh chapter by chapter, the host discusses the skipped letter edition.
In this article, David discusses his initial apprehension towards the topic of Biblical criticism but expresses his growing appreciation for the different approaches offered by three guests: Joshua Berman, Gil Student, and Sara Susswein Tesler.
In this article, the author reflects on the legacy of Rabbi Yehuda Amital, the founding rosh yeshiva of Har Etzion, as he navigates his role as a rabbi during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The article discusses the Haredi response to COVID-19 in Israel.
The author reflects on the role of fathers in raising young children by examining the biblical and Talmudic sources.
In this article, the author explores the connection between Torah study and mourning in Jewish tradition.
The article discusses the importance of reciting blessings before studying Torah and the role these blessings play in religious continuity.
In TanakhCast #184, the hosts discuss their podcast's ongoing exploration of the Tanakh, starting from Genesis and continuing until 2 Chronicles.
The article delves into the response of the Haredi, or ultra-Orthodox, Jewish community to the COVID-19 pandemic, exploring how their reliance on religious beliefs intersected with scientific knowledge.
In the TanakhCast #182 episode, the hosts delve into 4 chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, beginning with Genesis and concluding with 2 Chronicles, intending to cover the entire text over time, despite the scale of the undertaking.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss key topics in Israel, including the mandate given to Benny Gantz to form a government, the controversial decision to empower the Shin Bet to track COVID-19 cases, and a rabbi's insistence on keeping ultra-Orthodox schools open as a safeguard against the virus.
TanakhCast #179 is a podcast that explores and reflects on four chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, from Genesis to 2 Chronicles, offering a deep dive into these biblical texts.
Recent advancements in AI and digital technology have significantly impacted Torah study, particularly through the digitization of classical Jewish texts led by projects like the Bar-Ilan Responsa Project and Sefaria.
TanakhCast #175 is part of a series where every two weeks, 4 chapters of the Tanakh, from Genesis to 2 Chronicles, are explored.
Sara Tillinger Wolkenfeld reflects on the role of imagination in women's participation in Torah study, from teaching Masekhet Avodah Zarah to girls in a summer program to the recent Women’s Siyum HaShas in Jerusalem.
Chaim N. Saiman's book explores the multifaceted nature of halakhah, Jewish law, arguing that it exists on a spectrum between a system of rules governing behavior and a transcendent object of Torah study and literature.
TanakhCast #172: The Wine Bottle Edition is a podcast that delves into the Tanakh, exploring four chapters every two weeks from Genesis to 2 Chronicles.