
The article "Commit to Thyself" by Shoshana Schwartz emphasizes the importance of small steps and affirmations to rebuild trust in oneself by focusing on consistent daily actions.
The author, Joanna Landau, reflects on the impact of ongoing conflict and ceasefire calls in Israel, emphasizing the personal and national toll of violence.
In a compelling article by Jodi Rudoren, the urgent call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza is emphasized as both a moral imperative and the best course of action for Israel.
"Questioning Belief" by Raphael Zarum delves into the intersection of Judaism and modernity, following a tradition of British rabbinic scholars who have incorporated science to explain Jewish belief.
Sandye Rudnitzky shares her journey of pursuing gestational surrogacy in the 1980s after facing infertility issues, leading to the birth of her daughter Jillian, the first baby born using the egg and sperm of the biological parents in a surrogate's womb.
The Israeli Defense Forces conducted a two-week operation in Gaza's Al-Shifa Hospital, uncovering weapons caches and armed terrorists, resulting in the death and arrest of hundreds of militants, including top Hamas leaders.
The text discusses the concept of vulnerability as a virtue or a potential tool for manipulation within social media and personal branding.
The article discusses the debate within the American Jewish community regarding the criticism of the Israeli government's actions in war, focusing on Senator Schumer's criticism and the call for unity.
The podcast discusses Sam Bankman-Fried, an "effective altruist" sentenced to 25 years for an $8 billion fraud, and explores how his law-professor mother's attempts to excuse his actions reveal insights into the mindset of the leftist elite.
In "Ethics of Our Fighters: A Jewish View of War and Morality," Shlomo M. Brody examines the ethical considerations surrounding warfare from a Jewish perspective.
The Jewish Federation of Greater Portland and the Jewish Federation of Lane County in Oregon, representing about 60,000 Jews, are the first Jewish federations in North America to divest their investment assets from the fossil fuel industry, totaling over $3 million.
The text is a brief mention of an article or piece titled "Gufim: overheard in the dressing room" featured on the New Voices platform.
Silence is often viewed as complicity or admission, raising questions about when the principle of shtikah ke-hodaah applies in Jewish law and ethics, especially in light of current events and beyond.
Heila Precel, a Jewish researcher, published a paper highlighting how artificial intelligence (AI) training using texts without authors' permission, such as ChatGPT, disproportionately affects Jewish writers like Sarah Silverman and Michael Chabon.
The text discusses why the Israeli army, particularly the IDF, is known for its humanitarian efforts, especially in conflict situations like the recent Israel-Hamas conflict.
Canada announced a ban on future military exports to Israel, though this move is expected to have little impact on Israel's defense capabilities as the items supplied were non-critical goods.
The article explores the impact of affluence on mental health within Orthodox Jewish communities, highlighting the pursuit of material success and social comparisons as sources of stress and dissatisfaction.
Shimon Blinker is a watch reseller who makes millions selling high-end watches like Rolex and Cartier, yet he's known for his unconventional approach.
Eric Rosenthal, a Jewish activist, founded Disability Rights International to advocate for people with disabilities worldwide, focusing on ending institutionalization and abuse.
In his exploration of a Torah meditation in wartime, Dan Ornstein reflects on the biblical story of Yishmael in the desert and the moral implications of judging a person based on their present actions versus their potential future deeds.
The discussion highlights instances of controversial comments and perspectives surrounding the Israel-Gaza conflict.
The discussion in Shiur 460 revolves around the question of whether it is permitted, forbidden, or a Mitzvah to preserve the memory of fallen soldiers through posthumous retrieval of sperm for procreation.
The debate on the ethical conduct of warfare within Jewish law is discussed in a philosophical reflection by Alex S. Ozar.
Joanna Chen, an Israeli writer and translator of Hebrew and Arab poetry, wrote an essay titled "From the Edges of a Broken World" about her struggle to empathize with both sides in the Israel-Hamas conflict.
The text discusses the theme of helping individuals navigate challenges and crises, particularly within the context of the Israeli war.

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