
Amid stalled negotiations, Hamas and Israel exchanged deadly fire in Rafah, with Hamas rocket fire killing three Israeli soldiers and Israel responding by closing a border crossing and bombing Rafah, resulting in 16 deaths.
During the tumultuous period of World War II, many Hasidic rebbes and their followers faced difficult choices between staying in their communities or fleeing to safety.
The text discusses the United Nations' failures in preventing genocides, highlighting its inaction during the Rwandan genocide and its ongoing mistreatment of Israel.
In this episode, the discussion revolves around comparing the events of October 7th with the Holocaust to determine their similarities and whether it is appropriate to include October 7th in Holocaust remembrance.
A video from a Yom Hashoah event in New York City honors the Warsaw Ghetto fighters and commemorates the six million Jews murdered by the Nazis.
Jules Rabin, a 100-year-old Jewish activist from Vermont, protested the war in Gaza on his 100th birthday, drawing parallels between the Palestinians' situation in Gaza and the Holocaust, a view not mainstream in Jewish thought.
Michael Aloni, known for his roles in Shtisel and The Beauty Queen of Jerusalem, discusses his experiences in the series "We Were the Lucky Ones."
Chaim Weizmann, a brilliant chemist and key figure in the founding of Israel, is often overlooked compared to Herzl and Ben-Gurion.
Amidst ongoing debates of American Jews criticizing Israel, the historical backdrop of internal Jewish disagreements, from ancient times to modern conflicts, is highlighted as a reminder of persistent divisions.
The comic "Put Up, Take Down" by Solomon Brager portrays a hostage poster diary, highlighting the theme of a campus in crisis.
Ruth Wisse discusses the rise of intense anti-Israel protests on college campuses, noting a shift away from previous calls for peace and a two-state solution.
"The Tattooist of Auschwitz" is a TV series based on a bestselling novel, telling the story of Lali Sokolov in Auschwitz, particularly his love with Gita Furman.
Herod the Great, a dynamic ruler, seized opportunities during the Roman revolution to become a significant leader in Judaea.
Suella Braverman discusses Iran's Iran-sponsored terror networks and the attack on October 7 during a special personal solidarity visit on the State of a Nation podcast.
Antisemitism has deep historical roots that have evolved over time, with Jews facing persecution and discrimination across different regions.
Paul Auster, a celebrated author who recently passed away, was heavily influenced by Jewish literature and family heritage throughout his works, drawing inspiration from poets like Charles Reznikoff and Paul Celan.
The story "Dayan" is a poignant tale set in a desert village where an elderly woman named Dayan prepares her daughter Malka and grandchildren for an unknown journey, guiding them to safety as they leave in the night.
The article discusses the impact of Verdi's opera "Nabucco" in the aftermath of a significant event that occurred on October 7th.
Renowned writer Paul Auster, known for his innovative blend of form, genre, and autofiction, passed away at the age of 77 due to complications from lung cancer.
Lahav Deri shares his harrowing experience of surviving the Nova massacre in a video discussing the aftermath of the tragic event.
Rabbi Nachum Dahan, a former captive in the Entebbe hostage situation, met with Tamir Pardo, the former Mossad chief who led the rescue mission back in 1976.
Rabbi Nachum Dahan, a former captive held during the Entebbe raid in 1976, reunites with Tamir Pardo, a former Mossad chief and one of the rescuers during the operation.
The discussion on the legitimacy of Zionism, focusing on its historical context and religious perspectives, points out that with over seven million Jews living in Israel in 2024, the debates over its origins become less relevant.
Karla McCabe, the granddaughter of a German soldier in World War II, returned 36 postcards looted by her grandfather from the Chachmei Lublin Yeshiva in Poland to their rightful place more than 80 years later.
Exploring the role and perspective of Jewish individuals participating in current protests through the lens of Jewish history.

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