
"The Eternal Nazi" by Nicholas Kulish and Souad Mekhennet is a compelling account of the hunt for Nazi doctor Aribert Heim, infamous for his sadistic medical experiments at Mauthausen concentration camp.
The Mimouna Club, founded in Morocco's Al-Akhawayn University, aims to celebrate the country's Jewish heritage and promote cultural diversity.
The author reflects on the two Passover tales told in their home: the traditional Exodus from Egypt and their family's personal story of escape from Velizh, a town in Stalin's Soviet Union.
Errol Morris interviewed Donald Rumsfeld for 33 hours for his documentary "The Unknown Known," exploring the former Secretary of Defense's role in the Iraq war.
Sandy Koufax, the legendary Jewish pitcher for the Dodgers, made a cultural impact by choosing not to pitch on Yom Kippur during the 1965 World Series, leading to a lesser-known encounter the next day with Lubavitcher Rebbe follower Moshe Feller, who gifted Koufax a pair of tefillin.
The Talmudic text explores the nostalgia and celebration surrounding the temple practices, specifically focusing on the Ceremony of the Drawing of the Water during Sukkot, showcasing acrobatics and celebrations by prominent figures like Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel.
Menachem Begin, a prominent figure in Israeli politics, faced early condemnation, even being compared to Hitler.
S.Y. Agnon's novel "Shira" follows the story of Dr. Manfred Herbst, an anti-hero professor at The Hebrew University in Jerusalem during the 1930s, as he navigates academic struggles and a brief affair with a nurse named Shira.
Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi, a prominent Jewish historian, is reflected upon through the lens of his essays and writings, shedding light on his fascination with ruptures in Jewish history and the dilemmas faced by fallen Jews, from conversos to scholars like Freud.
"The Mapmaker's Daughter" by Laurel Corona is a historical novel set in Spain during the 15th century, following the life of Amalia Riba, a converso girl with a secret Jewish heritage.
Salo Baron's 1942 article challenged the common narrative of Jewish suffering in medieval Europe, arguing that despite facing some discrimination, medieval Jews were often tolerated and enjoyed privileges as a minority.
Ben Hecht, a renowned writer, delivered a captivating speech at a Los Angeles dinner funded by Mickey Cohen, a notorious gangland boss, as part of a Jewish fundraising effort.
Avraham Grossman's biography on Rashi, a pivotal figure in Jewish history, explores the life and works of the medieval commentator.
Yossi Klein Halevi's book "Like Dreamers" tells the story of seven paratroopers who helped liberate Jerusalem in 1967 and follows their lives through the 1973 Yom Kippur War, highlighting their diverse backgrounds and ideological differences.
President Obama has announced that 24 former U.S. soldiers, including Jewish veterans, will be awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously in a ceremony in March.
The article discusses the Menachem Beilis "Blood Libel" case that took place in Tsarist Russia over 100 years ago, where Beilis, a Jewish man, was wrongly accused of murdering a 13-year-old Christian boy.
Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi, a prominent Jewish historian, is remembered for his groundbreaking work on the Marranos, Jews caught between worlds.
In 1961, at McGill University in Montreal, Israeli Ambassador Yaacov Herzog challenged British historian Arnold Toynbee to a public debate after Toynbee questioned Israel's legitimacy and compared Zionist treatment of Palestinians to Nazi actions.
Martin Luther King Jr., in his iconic "I Have a Dream" speech during the historic March on Washington in 1963, drew inspiration from the Bible, specifically quoting from Isaiah 40 to link the pursuit of racial equality with divine promise and harmony.
The article reflects on Ariel Sharon's life and leadership, highlighting his journey from being a divisive figure to a unifying force in Israel.
In 1971, a group of activists burgled an FBI office in Media, Pennsylvania, stealing classified documents that exposed the COINTELPRO surveillance program targeting civil rights organizers and anti-war activists, orchestrated by J. Edgar Hoover.
The anthology "Everyday Jewish Life in Imperial Russia" offers glimpses into the diverse experiences of Russian Jews before the revolution.
In the 1930s, prominent Jewish studio heads in Hollywood secretly funded informants to infiltrate Nazi groups in Los Angeles, working with law enforcement agencies to resist the rise of Nazism in the United States.
The author embarks on a journey to discover why his grandfather, a Jewish teenager named David Dombroff, fought in the Spanish Civil War as part of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade.
In Slovakia's city of Koice, once home to a significant Jewish community before the Holocaust, efforts are underway to build a memorial honoring the city's lost Jewish residents.

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