
The text discusses a review by Richard Wolin of Bettina Stangneth's translated book about Adolf Eichmann, sparking a discussion on Hannah Arendt and the concept of the banality of evil.
Rabbi David Wolpe explores the complex heroism of King David in the book "David: The Divided Heart."
Adva Naama Baram, an architect and photographer, presents an exhibition at the Architects' House Gallery focusing on the architecture of ezrat nashim, the women's section in synagogues in Israel.
The article discusses the relevance of ancient Jewish sabbatical laws, particularly the Shmita, in the modern economy.
A Catskills bungalow colony with a rich history dating back to 1941, originally founded by Nathan Jacoby, was recently the site of a reunion organized by his granddaughters.
The article criticizes the upcoming film "Exodus: Gods and Kings," starring Christian Bale as Moses, comparing it unfavorably to the beloved 1998 animated film "Prince of Egypt."
In the 1960s, the memory of the Holocaust quietly haunted the era despite the intense focus on changing the world.
In "Letters Fall 2014," different writers offer critiques and responses regarding various topics.
David B. Dennis's works shed light on how Nazis utilized culture for political ends, as outlined in "Valhalla in Flames."
In "Yankel's Tavern: Jews, Liquor, & Life in the Kingdom of Poland," Glenn Dynner challenges the myth of Jewish sobriety and explores the deep intertwining of Jews with the liquor trade in 19th-century Poland.
Nathan Birnbaum, often forgotten in the history of Zionism, played a significant role in the early movement.
In "Sephardi Lives: A Documentary History, 1700-1950," Professors Julia Phillips Cohen and Sarah Abrevaya Stein explore the lives and experiences of Sephardic Jews from the Ottoman Empire to Argentina through various documents.
Konstanty Gebert in response to "The Ukrainian Question" discusses the differing perspectives in Eastern European countries like Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Ukraine regarding their historical narratives, nationalism, and attitudes towards Nazi collaborators.
The article responds to Dovid Katz's views on the ethical complexities surrounding Ukrainian nationalism and Russian separatism, particularly in relation to historical figures like Stepan Bandera.
Stefan Zweig, a highly-translated and polarizing author in the 1930s, was both envied and criticized by his peers for his success which some saw as a symbol of declining cultural values.
Daniel Mendoza, a celebrated bare-knuckle prizefighter in late-Georgian London, was born to British-born parents of converso background in 1764.
The article discusses how Hamas and Yasser Arafat celebrated what they claimed were victories against Israel, with examples like the 2014 Gaza war and Arafat's 1974 UN speech.
The National Jewish Sports Hall of Fame inducted its 2014 class, which included Adam Greenberg, known for being hit in the head during his first at-bat with the Chicago Cubs in 2005.
"Headlines" by Dovid Lichtenstein examines contemporary issues faced by Orthodox Jews through a halachic lens, offering researched analyses based on classical Jewish sources to guide discussions on contentious topics such as rescuing individuals during disasters and reporting suspected child abusers.
Prof. Ofer Shiff discusses the legacy of Abba Hillel Silver, an American-Jewish leader who advocated for a diaspora-based form of Zionism but ultimately lost the argument.
The author reflects on spending Tisha B'Av in Rome near the Arch of Titus, a symbol of the destruction of the Second Temple.
The author reflects on how her experiences at a Labor Zionist youth camp shaped her Jewish identity, particularly in relation to observing Tisha B'Av.
"Amistad and Spielberg's West African Moses" discusses how Steven Spielberg's film "Amistad" explores themes of bondage and freedom through the story of Cinque, a leader among the Mende people who led a revolt on a slave ship and faced a legal battle in the United States to gain their freedom.
The Torah portion discusses the story of Phinehas, a celebrated vigilante who takes violent action against Israelites engaging in impropriety with Moabite women.
The text discusses the historical challenges faced by the Jewish community, particularly in Israel, in dealing with various political powers such as the Ottoman Empire, British colonial rule, French policies, and Soviet influence through the years.

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