
Photos have emerged showing convicted Nazi war criminal John Demjanjuk at the Sobibor death camp, despite his denial of ever working as a guard there.
The text discusses the resurgence of Nazi symbolism, the global rise in anti-Semitism, and the failure in transmitting meaningful knowledge about the Holocaust in the United States.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Ohad Zeltzer-Zubida discuss three main topics: whether Benny Gantz is comparable to Yitzhak Rabin, the debate over privatization by a union head, and the ethics of owning and selling Holocaust-related items, like a letter from a child murdered in Auschwitz.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Ohad Zeltzer-Zubida discuss whether Benny Gantz is the new Yitzhak Rabin, the privatization push by a union head, the ethical implications of selling Holocaustiana, and the controversy around Professor Mordechai Kedar's remarks about Yitzhak Rabin's assassination.
Rep. Chrissy Houlahan, a multifaceted public figure, explores her Jewish heritage, shaped in part by her father's Holocaust survival story.
Kalonymus Kalman Shapira and Hillel Zeitlin, two prominent figures in interwar Warsaw's Hasidic world, had significant impacts on the Hasidic community before their tragic deaths in the Holocaust.
In response to the overwhelming focus on Holocaust books for children and young adults, the author argues for a broader representation of Jewish stories beyond the Holocaust.
In remembrance of the Tree of Life shooting a year earlier, an exhibition titled "Lest We Forget" featuring oversize images of Holocaust survivors by Luigi Toscano was displayed around the University of Pittsburgh campus.
In 1944, a shofar was blown at Auschwitz during Rosh Hashanah, a risky act in the Nazi camp.
"I Do Not Care if We Go Down in History as Barbarians" is a film by Radu Jude that delves into the uncomfortable history of Romania during World War II.
The transition from Tishah B'Av to Shabbat Nachamu reflects Jewish history's pattern of tragedy followed by revitalization and creativity, such as the Mishnah and Talmud's completion after the destruction of the Temple.
The article discusses Bernie Sanders' Jewish identity and his reluctance to emphasize it in his political career, despite growing pressure to do so.
The debate surrounding the Holocaust often centers on whether it is a universal human issue or a specific atrocity committed by Germans against Jews.
Christopher Browning's examination of ordinary German men turning into killers raises questions about whether the Holocaust should be viewed as a universal human issue or a unique atrocity by Germans against Jews.
In "Beyond Holocaust Time," the author Alan Rosen explores the concept of Jewish resistance during the Holocaust through the lens of Jewish calendars.
Dr. Jelena Subotic explores Holocaust memory in former communist countries like the former Yugoslavia, shedding light on how the fight against fascism has been downplayed in the anti-communist fervor, potentially paving the way for neo-fascist resurgences.
Dr. Jelena Subotic delves into the complex issue of Holocaust memory in previously communist countries like the former Yugoslavia, pointing out how the push against communism has sometimes overshadowed the fight against fascism in these nations.
Primo Levi's work, particularly "If This Is a Man," later retitled "Survival in Auschwitz," explores the Holocaust in a unique way, blending Jewish themes with dark humor and a deep analysis of human behavior in the concentration camps.
Palestinian professor Mohammed Dajani emphasizes the importance of teaching his students about the Holocaust, sharing insights gained from trips to Auschwitz and promoting moderation through his movement Wasatia in Islam.
Palestinian professor Mohammed Dajani emphasizes the importance of teaching his students about the Holocaust, sharing insights gained from taking Palestinian students to Auschwitz.
The article discusses Franz Kafka's "Metamorphosis" as a prescient reflection on the Holocaust.
In a Talmudic exploration by Zohar Atkins, the question of delegating Holocaust metaphors is examined through a Mishna stating that a Gentile making such metaphors faces death, while a Jew failing to do so is cut off.
Recent scholarship and popular interest in Scandinavia have focused on the treatment of Jews during World War II, with Denmark, Sweden, and Norway reassessing their roles in response to Nazi rule and the persecution of Jews.
H. G. Adler, a survivor of Theresienstadt and Auschwitz, was a prominent yet underrecognized figure in Holocaust literature.
The text urges readers to focus on the humanitarian crisis at the US-Mexico border, particularly concerning migrant children in US custody.

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