
Herman Wouk, a Jewish writer and observant Jew, has left a profound impact on the author's development as a reader and educator.
The article discusses the recent surge in Anne Frank-related children's literature and adult fiction, including books like "The Cat Who Lived with Anne Frank" and "Martin & Anne."
Dr. Gisella Perl, a Holocaust survivor, defied Josef Mengele in Auschwitz to save hundreds of pregnant women by performing secret abortions under dire conditions.
The Vatican has recently decided to open the papal archives of Pope Pius XII, sparking hope among historians to uncover information about the Catholic Church's actions during the Holocaust.
In "Moses and Hellenism," Bernd Witte presents a provocative historical and cultural argument that explores the intertwining of Greek and Jewish cultures in German intellectual history.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Don Futterman discuss various topics including dramatizing the Holocaust on Instagram, the impact of a supermarket chain fabricating a story about Ashkenazi-Mizrahi relations, and the significance of the individuals chosen to light torches at Israel's Independence Day.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Don Futterman discuss various topics including dramatizing the Holocaust on Instagram, supermarket chains creating false stories about historical tensions between Ashkenazi and Mizrahi Jews, and the symbolic significance of who is chosen to light torches on Israel's Independence Day.
"Eva's Stories" is an ambitious Instagram project that aims to engage today's youth with the Holocaust by recreating the diary entries of a 13-year-old girl who perished in Auschwitz in 1944.
The discussion revolves around the colorization of photographs from Auschwitz, particularly focusing on the Faces of Auschwitz project.
The text discusses various articles and responses published in the Spring 2019 edition of "Letters."
Giorgio Bassani's "Memory Garden" centers around his novel "The Novel of Ferrara," a reflection on the Italian Jews' fate during Mussolini's rule and the Holocaust.
During the Holocaust, North African Jews faced discrimination and persecution under French and Italian racial laws, economic disenfranchisement, and internment in camps.
The debate on social media between Hasidim and academics revolves around whether the revered Rabbi Kalonymus Kalmish Shapiro lost his faith during the Holocaust.
Howard Kaplan, an observant Jew in Israel, continues a Christmas tradition started by his mother Toby, who was saved during the Holocaust by Aleksandra Tarasowa in Poland.
"Black Honey, The Life and Poetry of Avraham Sutzkever" is a documentary highlighting the story of Avraham Sutzkever, a prominent Yiddish poet who survived the Holocaust and continued to create powerful work afterward.
Doron Rabinovici, an Israeli author living in Vienna, explores the complexities of Jewish identity in postwar Austria through his novels, essays, and political activism.
A recent report by CNN reveals alarming statistics on antisemitism in Europe, with one-third of Europeans lacking knowledge about the Holocaust, one-fourth believing Jews have excessive influence in finance, and one-fifth thinking Jews wield undue power in the media and global politics.
Harvey Milk, San Francisco's outspoken Jewish politician, was assassinated in 1978 by Supervisor Dan White, leading to significant ramifications for the city's Jewish community.
In a poignant reflection on the Holocaust, Lilly Maier recounts the reunion of an elderly Viennese man, Arthur Kern, with his childhood home in Vienna after more than 60 years.
In the discussion of "Of Were-Owls and Wandering Jews," the text explores different works of literature with Jewish themes or characters.
The article reflects on the experiences of German and Austrian Jews in 1938 leading up to Kristallnacht, as depicted in the 1938Projekt online exhibit by the Leo Baeck Institute.
During the four days of Kristallnacht in 1938, violence erupted in small villages like Nentershausen in Hessen, Germany.
The text discusses the banality of the Eichmann trial, highlighting Adolf Eichmann's role as an ordinary German bureaucrat who orchestrated the Holocaust, focusing on the capture, trial, and subsequent cultural impact of the trial.
Professor Alon Confino explores the Nazi goal of erasing Jews from not just the present and future, but also from the past.
Dr. Stefan Ihrig's book "Atatürk in the Nazi Imagination" explores how Turkish nationalism following WWI influenced the Nazis, serving as inspiration during the early Weimar years and beyond.

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