
Prof. Zvi Ziegler, a mathematics professor at the Technion, discusses the impact of international calls for academic boycotts on Israeli academia with host Gilad Halpern.
Nimrod Lin, a doctoral fellow at the University of Toronto, delves into the historical roots of Israel's demographic concerns within Zionism.
Shimon Peres, a renowned statesman known for his long career in public service and commitment to peace in the Middle East, was remembered by some Israelis as a humble neighbor who lived in a modest apartment with his wife near Tel Aviv University.
Shimon Peres, a prominent figure in Israeli politics, possessed remarkable skills in navigating complex political landscapes and was known for his strategic thinking and ability to persuade others.
American flags will be flown at half-staff in honor of Shimon Peres, marking a rare occasion as only seven other foreign figures have received this presidential honor.
The trial of Israeli Defense Forces sergeant Elor Azaria, charged with manslaughter for killing a wounded Palestinian terrorist in Hebron, has sparked division in Israel as it reflects broader issues beyond his individual actions.
Matti Friedman reflects on his time at Outpost Pumpkin in Lebanon, exploring the complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and Hezbollah's influence in the region.
Meital Regev, a doctoral fellow, explores Israel's complex approach towards the immigration of Ethiopian Jews since the establishment of the Law of Return in 1950.
Prof. Michael Levin discusses the significant role of Jewish-German architect Richard Kaufmann, who was hired in 1920 as the chief planner of the Zionist community and had a major influence on shaping the modern landscape of Israel.
In this discussion, Israel and the US have agreed on a $38 billion, ten-year military aid deal, prompting a debate on whether more money equates to increased security for Israel.
Millennials, particularly in the Modern Orthodox community, are increasingly drawn to making Aliyah to Israel, attracted by the country's entrepreneurial opportunities, spiritual connection, and economic advantages.
The Israeli baseball team competing in the World Baseball Classic qualifiers consists mostly of American players who qualify under the heritage rule due to Israel's Law of Return.
Dr. Ori Goldberg, an expert on political Islam, discusses the Islamic State group's emergence as a new face of radical Islam with host Gilad Halpern.
Gabriel Mitchell, a doctoral fellow, explores Israel's challenge of balancing security needs with economic potential due to significant offshore gas discoveries.
Allison, Don, and Noah discuss Netanyahu's claims of Palestinian advocacy for ethnic cleansing of Jewish settlers, his compromised railway maintenance policy upsetting the Opposition, and the notion that Israeli internet discourse is particularly harsh due to reactions against leftist media.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu highlighted that the Palestinian Authority seeks a state free of Jews, prompting criticism from various quarters including the U.N. and the Anti-Defamation League.
Colin Shindler, a professor emeritus of Israel Studies, talks about his book "The Rise of the Israeli Right" with host Gilad Halpern, examining the development of conservative and nationalist factions within Zionism.
The text discusses the significance of the Kotel compromise, a historic agreement reached after intense negotiations between Orthodox, Reform, and Conservative Jewish representatives.
Dr. Sara Shadmi-Wortman from Oranim Academic College delves into the significance of community research and its impact on enhancing social cohesion and quality of life in Israel.
Professor Mohammed Wattad discusses Israel's Supreme Court with host Gilad Halpern, delving into its cultural and professional orientation over time.
Dr. Merav Ben-Nun, an educator and founder of a Jewish-Arab school in Haifa, explores the benefits and challenges of bilingual education with host Gilad Halpern.
Kosha Dillz, an American rapper, incorporates his Jewish identity prominently in his music, addressing topics like anti-Semitism and addiction.
In a discussion with Gilad Halpern, Ilan Peleg, a government and Israel Studies professor, examines the evolving narrative in Israel from one of self-assurance to a more intense focus on victimhood.
In this edition, Noah, Alon Tal, and William Slott engage in a discussion covering the themes of managing population growth in Israel as highlighted in Tal's book "The Land is Full," raising questions about immigration policies and birth rates.
Zachary Smith discusses how contemporary Mizrahi radicals in Israel challenge the foundational principles of classic Zionism, such as rootedness and a Western orientation, as examined in conversation with host Gilad Halpern.

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