
Prof. William Miles from Northeastern University delves into the complexities of the Druze community's integration in modern Israel in a conversation with host Gilad Halpern, amid the challenges posed by 21st-century Israel, the dynamics between Jews and Arabs, regional turmoil, and adapting to a contemporary economy.
Dr. Azriel Bermant, a historian and professor at Tel Aviv University, delves into his book "Margaret Thatcher and the Middle East" with host Gilad Halpern, focusing on the interactions between the renowned British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, Israel, and the Arab world.
Professor Rebeca Raijman of the University of Haifa speaks with host Gilad Halpern about her book "South African Jews in Israel: Assimilation in Multigenerational Perspective" in which she explores the unique features of the large Jewish community in South Africa and their migration to Israel.
In this edition, Noah, Gilad Halpern, and Miriam Herschlag discuss the IDF Chief of Staff Gadi Eisenkot telling Israel's politicians to be silent, American passport-holding Knesset Members' contradictory views on Judaism, and the concept of "body-politic dysmorphia" where Israelis might overestimate their national importance.
Dr. Guy Ziv, an international relations professor, explores the ongoing debate within Israel's political and military domains regarding peacemaking policies, noting the conflicting approaches taken.
Geoffrey Levin, a doctoral student at NYU, explores Jewish Americans' perspectives on Israel's treatment of its Arab minority during the 1950s and 60s, a period marked by military rule.
Historian Prof. David Tal challenges the notion that Israel could have prevented the Yom Kippur War by responding to Anwar Sadat's peace initiatives, questioning if this belief is merely a hindsight-based myth.
Israel recently passed a law mandating domestic organizations primarily funded by foreign governments to disclose this in communications with the government, spearheaded by Ayelet Shaked.
Dr. Shira Klein from Chapman University in California talks with host Gilad Halpern about innovative methods for teaching about Israel to American undergraduate students.
Comedians Amy Poehler and Natasha Lyonne are adapting the hit Israeli film "Zero Motivation," which satirizes life in the IDF, for American television on BBC America.
Dr. Ariela Keysar discusses the significant but overlooked influence of grandparents on the political views of college students in a conversation with host Gilad Halpern.
Dr. Tamir Libel discusses the concept of "strategic culture" and its impact on policy-making in national security, both in Israel and globally, with host Gilad Halpern.
In this discussion, Allison, Don, and Noah cover the topics of Brexit and its implications on Israeli politics, the differing perspectives of secular and religious Israelis towards the founding fathers of the country, and the lasting impact of the Entebbe rescue on Israel as it marks its fortieth anniversary.
The BDS movement's celebrated victory over the security giant G4S turned out to be a significant defeat due to new anti-boycott laws in several U.S. states.
Dr. Uta Larkey from Goucher College talks about the migration of Jewish displaced persons from Germany to Palestine after World War II in a conversation with host Gilad Halpern.
Prof. Csaba Nikolenyi of Concordia University and the Azrieli Institute of Israel Studies discusses with host Gilad Halpern the impact of party swapping on Israel's political stability.
In this episode of "Don't Hate The Player," the focus is on a Jewish sports author, Matthew Futterman, discussing the evolution of athletes' financial support through history and sharing insights on the upcoming Olympic Games in Rio.
In two new works of Jewish political theory by David Novak and Chaim Gans, the foundation of Zionism is under scrutiny, with Novak arguing for a theological basis while Gans critiques the ethnocentric shortsightedness of the Zionist mainstream.
Prof. Dov Waxman discusses his book "Trouble in the Tribe: The American Jewish Conflict Over Israel" with host Gilad Halpern.
In this episode of "The Terrorists in Tel Aviv? A pleasure! Edition," Allison, Don, and Noah discuss the aftermath of the terrorist attacks at Sarona Market in Tel Aviv, focusing on reactions and political implications in Israel.
Moshe Yaalon, former Defense Minister of Israel, has declared his intention to challenge Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for the country's top position in the next election.
Saul Bellow, the renowned writer, had a deep respect and admiration for Teddy Kollek, the former mayor of Jerusalem, whom he considered a captivating and influential political figure.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed an executive order targeting the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) Movement, requiring state agencies to divest from companies aligned with BDS.
In a discussion on "Out of the ivory tower: Academia thrust into 21st century," Prof. Gili Drori from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and co-chair of the conference "Internationalization, Globalization and Governance of Academia" talks with host Gilad Halpern about how universities are responding to market forces and global capitalism.
Prof. Haim Yacobi discusses his book "Israel and Africa: A Genealogy of Moral Geography" with host Gilad Halpern, exploring how Israel's historical connections with Africa have influenced its identity and space.

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