
The text discusses the complex dynamics in Jerusalem as seen through the lens of a walk around the city.
The text discusses how British reports in the 1930s highlighting water scarcity in Palestine to limit Jewish immigration inadvertently drove Zionist efforts to manage water resources efficiently.
The article discusses Rabbi Farber's defiance against the Israeli Chief Rabbinate by conducting non-Rabbanut weddings and the legal implications of such actions, including potential prison sentences.
In 1977, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat's groundbreaking visit to Israel took many by surprise, including Palestinian leaders who were aligned with the PLO.
Avraham Halfi, a lesser-known but influential Israeli poet whose works were often sung by Arik Einstein, is the subject of the recent documentary "Chayav melei shir: sipuro shel Avraham Halfi."
Adi Sherzer, a doctoral fellow at Ben-Gurion University, discusses the construction of the Israeli national narrative in the early years of statehood, blending modern Israeli identity with Jewish tradition.
Dr. Orli Sela, an environmental and legal historian at New York University, delves into the changing perceptions of water abundance and its role in the formation of the State of Israel.
Dr. Rony Klein, a professor specializing in French political thought at Tel Aviv University, examines how Jewish philosophers in the late 20th century critiqued Enlightenment ideas that had dominated their intellectual environment.
In this edition, Allison, Don, and Noah cover three key topics, including the politics of purism following the passing of former MK Yossi Sarid, the 'Mizrahification' of peace with Amir Peretz's new peace plan and claim that a Mizrahi candidate is needed for success, and a discussion on a new movie depicting settlers and Palestinians working towards a "third way" to peace inspired by Rav Menachem Froman.
Keton, a historic Tel Aviv restaurant established in 1945, has been a hub for Israeli artists, writers, and musicians, serving traditional Ashkenazi dishes such as matzo ball soup and gefilte fish.
The text discusses how the current framing of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict draws parallels between Palestinians and African Americans, aiming to connect their struggles against oppression.
The wedding of Sarah Tehiya Litman and Ariel Beigel became a symbol of resilience and unity in the face of tragedy and terrorism.
Dr. Ido Yoav, a sociologist and anthropologist, discusses the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin from a sociology of emotions perspective on the 20th anniversary of the event.
In the "Did Peace Slip Through Our Fingers?" edition, Allison, Don, and Noah delve into three crucial topics.
Dr. Inbal Ben-Asher Gitler, a historian of architecture, discusses the post-colonial perspective in analyzing the history of architecture in Israel during the 20th century with host Gilad Halpern.
Dr. Boaz Lev Tov discusses the significance of oral history in revealing the everyday lives and connections of regular individuals in Israel over the years.
Prof. Hillel Cohen discusses in his book "1929: Year Zero of the Arab-Israeli Conflict" how the violent Palestinian uprising of August 1929 marked a significant turning point for Jews, Arabs, and the world.
Journalist and political scientist Elliot Jager discusses his book "The Pater: My Father, My Judaism, My Childlessness" with host Gilad Halpern, exploring the experience of being a childless Jewish man in modern times.
In the podcast episode "If I Divide Thee, O Jerusalem," the hosts discuss a shocking poll revealing that a majority of Israelis are in favor of transferring Arab neighborhoods in Jerusalem to the Palestinian Authority for peace, and the potential political impact of this.
On the 20th anniversary of Yitzhak Rabin's assassination, around 100,000 people gathered in Tel Aviv to honor the former Israeli Prime Minister known for his efforts to achieve peace with the Palestinians.
Mahmoud Abbas assured Dutch Jews that he does not intend to cancel the Oslo Accords or demand the absorption of millions of Palestinians by Israel.
In a podcast episode titled "Standing Together or Coming Apart?" with special guest Alon Tal, Allison, Noah, and Alon discuss topics like interpreting current events in Israel, proposed changes in rape laws, and the political leanings of environmental organizations in Israel.
In Unorthodox episode 12, discussion revolves around James Franco's bar mitzvah for charity, a viral video celebrating Jewish diversity, and a look at violent stabbing attacks in Israel through Malcolm Gladwell's lens.
Adam Zertal, a respected Israeli archaeologist and advocate for using the Hebrew Bible in archaeological research, has passed away at 79.
Dr. Ron Schleifer discusses the concept of hasbara, a form of propaganda used in the Israeli-Arab conflict, in an interview with Gilad Halpern.

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