
In the TanakhCast #124 episode titled "The Dare to Defy the Patriarchy Edition," the discussion focuses on exploring, analyzing, and reflecting on four chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, from Genesis to 2 Chronicles, challenging traditional patriarchal interpretations.
The text explores the perplexing crisis of faith experienced by the Israelites in the Wilderness of Sin shortly after being saved from the Egyptians.
In this episode of TanakhCast, the hosts explore 4 chapters of the Tanakh, delving into topics from Genesis to 2 Chronicles every two weeks.
In episode 120 of TanakhCast, the focus is on discussing and reflecting on four chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, starting from Genesis and culminating in 2 Chronicles.
In a discussion about the Jewish thinker Rav Shagar's book "Faith Shattered and Restored: Judaism in the Postmodern Age," Shalom Carmy comments on Rabbi Gil Perl's analysis.
The discussion explores a Mishnah from Negaim, focusing on the diagnosis oftzaraat, a skin condition, in Jewish textual tradition.
The Torah, aside from being foundational in Judaism, contains the only contemporary account of the origin of the seven-day week, including the weekend.
The text examines the story of the Binding of Isaac from the perspective of whether Abraham failed the test imposed by God.
In TanakhCast #116, the podcast delves into the Hebrew Bible, examining chapters from Genesis to 2 Chronicles every two weeks.
Rabbi Shai Held, president of Mechon Hadar and author of The Heart of Torah, discusses his insights on the Torah, particularly Leviticus, sharing how he found value in studying it despite initial hesitation.
In TanakhCast episode #115, the host explores 4 chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, moving through Genesis to 2 Chronicles.
During the High Holy Days, the focus on vows - their making and undoing - is a significant part of the period's reflection.
In TanakhCast #113, the podcast delves into 4 chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, starting from Genesis to 2 Chronicles.
Ilana Kurshan's memoir, "If All the Seas Were Ink," details her seven-year journey studying daf yomi in Jerusalem, intertwining personal experiences like failed relationships, remarriage, and the birth of children with Talmudic teachings.
In his article "On the Irrelevance of Biblical Criticism," Jerome Marcus challenges the approach of biblical criticism, arguing that it leads to a shallow reading of scripture.
In TanakhCast #112, the podcast delves into 4 chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, covering texts from Genesis to 2 Chronicles, aiming for a comprehensive journey through the scriptures despite the lengthy process.
The text explores the rationale behind Shabbat observance in Judaism, highlighting two main perspectives: one based on God's resting after creating the world, emphasized in Exodus, and another focused on commemorating the Exodus from Egypt and promoting social equality, as articulated in Deuteronomy.
In episode 110 of TanakhCast, the discussion revolves around exploring and reflecting on 4 chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, beginning with Genesis and concluding with 2 Chronicles.
TanakhCast #109 explores 4 chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, covering texts from Genesis to 2 Chronicles in a reflective and analytical manner.
The article explores the hidden messages and nuanced storytelling found in the Torah, particularly focusing on the character of Bilam in Parshat Balak.
The text discusses various scholarly and historical perspectives related to Jewish themes.
TanakhCast #108: The City Mouse Edition is a recurring podcast that examines 4 chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, starting from Genesis and concluding in 2 Chronicles.
The author delves into the biblical narrative of a man gathering wood on Shabbat in Numbers 15, exploring its significance and harsh punishment of public stoning.
Yosef Lindell's article discusses the need for a new Modern Orthodox Humash that meets the needs of contemporary synagogue attendees, highlighting the shortcomings of existing editions like the Soncino Hertz Pentateuch and the ArtScroll Stone edition.
TanakhCast #107, titled "The Eponym Edition," delves into 4 chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, progressing from Genesis to 2 Chronicles, though the journey may be lengthy.

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