Tag: Activism

GLAAD has criticized The New York Times' coverage of transgender issues, particularly regarding medical sex changes or gender affirmation for minors.
The author, Ellen Cassedy, reflects on her grandfather's stories about Rose Schneiderman, a Jewish activist who fought for the rights of garment industry workers in the early 20th century.
"Pamela Braun Cohen's memoir, 'Hidden Heroes: One Woman's Story of Resistance and Rescue in the Soviet Union,' highlights the efforts of the Soviet Jewry movement and the challenges faced by Jews in the Soviet Union. Inspired by the Holocaust and the failure to save European Jews, Cohen became heavily involved in activism for Soviet Jewry, serving in leadership roles and advocating for their rights. The book explores the experiences of Jews behind the Iron Curtain, their struggle for identity, protests, and survival in labor camps. It also examines the tensions between grassroots organizations and Jewish establishment groups in assisting Soviet Jewry. Cohen's story demonstrates the power of commitment and the importance of collective action."
In this text, Rachel Azaria, CEO of Darkenu, Israel's largest civil society organization, talks about her book "Guided Revolution," which explores the steps towards social change in Israel.
Rachel Azaria, CEO of Darkenu and a seasoned public figure, reflects on her book "Guided Revolution," offering insights on achieving social change in Israel.
Rep. Ilhan Omar, a prominent Somali American politician, faced booing from some members of the Somali community during a public event at the Target Center, highlighting divisions within the community regarding religious and moral issues.
In this opinion piece, the author expresses her shock and anger at activists who are calling for the globalizing of the intifada, viewing it as a demand for violence rather than peace.
The podcast discusses Noah's increasing involvement in activism, growing pushback against political leaders scaling back Covid mitigation efforts, and the ethical concerns raised by the upcoming Winter Olympics in China.
In this interview, Rajaa Natour criticizes Netflix for its collection of Palestinian Stories, arguing that it is not a significant development for Palestinian cinema or the Palestinian struggle.
Brandy Shufutinsky, a Black Jewish woman, shares her perspective on feeling safer as a Jew in Israel compared to the U.S., despite geopolitical tensions.
The article provides eight tips for reading about Israel and navigating the perception gap that exists between Western preconceptions and the reality of the country.
In this article, Melissa R. Klapper explores the involvement of Jewish women in the suffrage movement in America.
The article explores the financial backing behind the Black Lives Matter movement.
The author reflects on the rise of a new religion-like ideology dubbed "woke" that has permeated liberal institutions and mainstream media.
"We Found Our Outrage" edited by Richard Landes is a book that recounts the story of Andrew Pessin, a professor who was falsely accused of being an anti-Palestinian bigot by campus activists at Connecticut College.
Amid calls to remove a statue of St. Louis due to his history of persecuting Jews and Muslims, the Archdiocese of St. Louis defended the saint, emphasizing his charitable work and presenting him as a role model in Catholicism.
Bend the Arc is a Jewish social action organization that has gained prominence in recent years, particularly since the 2016 election.
Israel's new Education Minister endorsed gay conversion therapy, sparking controversy.
At the AJC Global Forum 2019, British Members of Parliament Joan Ryan and Ian Austin discussed the issue of anti-Semitism within the UK Labour Party, emphasizing their efforts to combat this pervasive problem.
Between the late 1960s and the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, nearly two million Jews left Russia, Ukraine, and other parts of the Soviet Empire, with support from diaspora Jewish communities globally, particularly in the United States.
Ady Barkan, a progressive activist diagnosed with ALS, is dedicating his final years to advocating for democratic values.
Lorna Levy, a trade unionist and anti-Apartheid activist, shares her story in the memoir "Radical Engagements: A Life in Exile."
"Clara Lemlich's Legacy Continues To Be an Inspiration for Change" highlights the release of Chelsea Clinton and Alexandra Boiger's children's book, "She Persisted: 13 American Women Who Changed the World," which focuses on extraordinary women who demonstrated persistence and achievement.
In this episode of Unorthodox, Jewish writer Daphne Merkin discusses her book "This Close to Happy: A Reckoning With Depression," blending memoir, case study, and confession.
Sarah Kreimer, an Israeli-American activist, recently released her memoir delving into the challenges and progress of Jewish-Arab dialogue in Israel over the past 35 years.