Tag: Death

Loay Alnaji, a California man, pleaded not guilty to charges related to the death of pro-Israel protester Paul Kessler following an altercation at dueling pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel protests.
The article tells the story of four elderly male hostages who tragically died while in captivity in Gaza.
Delphine Horvilleur, the rabbi of Synagogue Beaugrenelle in Paris, France, and a prominent figure in liberal Judaism, has authored a book titled "Living with Our Dead."
Miriam, a photographer facing terminal illness, reflects on the impermanence of life using the Japanese concept of Wabi-Sabi, finding beauty in imperfection and transience.
The author reflects on her experience attending her first Yizkor service in 1982 as a child and her more recent attendance following her mother's death in 2023.
"The Comeuppance" by playwright Branden Jacobs-Jenkins follows a group of five friends reuniting 20 years after graduating for a college reunion, with an unexpected guest - Death.
The death of OJ Simpson leads to reflections on the legacy of the murders he committed, his botched escape, and the infamous trial where he was acquitted.
The text discusses the use of horror and humiliation as weapons in the conflict in Gaza, drawing parallels to historical events and analyzing their impact on Western and Islamic societies.
Ross Kagan Marks reflects on the loss of his oldest friends, Josh Wex Wexler and David Fetch Fleisher, who were like brothers to him, sharing a strong bond through basketball and life experiences.
In a tribute podcast, the life and political legacy of Joe Lieberman, who passed away at 82, are honored.
When discussing death with young children, especially in the context of Jewish beliefs, it can be challenging to find the right approach.
Rabbi Haviva Ner-David reflects on the ongoing violence in Israel, particularly in the context of her son's friends being affected by the conflict.
A moving personal account describes attending a funeral where the son of the deceased read a eulogy written by his mother before her passing, touching on love, warmth, and gratitude despite her illness.
This article reflects on the author's grandparents, exploring their unique qualities and the impact they had on their lives.
The article discusses the impact of new technologies on end-of-life practices and raises important ethical and theological questions for the Jewish community.
In this first-person narrative, a ten-year-old recounts the difficulties and loss experienced in their family.
Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, who passed away in 2020 at the age of 83, is seen as a significant figure in the changing landscape of Israel.
This article discusses the life and poetry of Joyce Mansour, a Jewish poet of Syrian descent.
Linda Pastan, a celebrated poet who recently passed away at the age of 90, left behind a collection of 15 books that blur the boundaries between thought and feeling, speech and song.
In a recent podcast episode of NTKR, Lawrence Morgenstern, a beloved stand-up comic who recently passed away, is fondly remembered by his longtime partner Rosalynne Gelade, who shares stories about his passion for comedy and his gentle nature.
The article explores the connections between the James Bond film Spectre and the Jewish festival of Sukkot.
In this podcast, the mechanics of the afterlife are explored, including the purging of the soul and what happens in purgatory.
Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-serving monarch of Britain, has passed away at the age of 96.
This discussion delves into the concept of death and its significance in Jewish belief.
The author discusses different perspectives on freedom from various American authors from the Civil War era.