Tag: Democracy

The text discusses how antisemitism has evolved to be conveyed through the language of human rights.
Abraham Lincoln's Lecture on Discoveries and Inventions sheds light on his philosophical perspective and concerns about democratic institutions and technological advancements.
President Joe Biden has delivered an Oval Office address urging Americans to support assistance for Israel and Ukraine in order to protect democracy globally.
The author argues that our support for Israel is just as important as our support for Ukraine, especially in the face of terrorist attacks by Hamas.
The author reflects on the current state of Israel, describing the ongoing anti-government demonstrations and the disarray within the country's air force due to protesting reserve officers.
The article discusses the author's experience of being assaulted by an Israeli police officer while participating in a protest in Sheikh Jarrah, East Jerusalem, a site of Palestinian evictions by settler organizations.
In this article, the author discusses the importance of having a constitution for the Jewish State of Israel.
The author argues that the upcoming Days of Awe in Israel, between the Jewish New Year and the Day of Atonement, may be disastrous for Israeli democracy.
In this opinion piece, the author discusses three words that are often seen as taboo when criticizing Israel: apartheid, racist, and fascist.
Protests have been sweeping across Israel for the past 37 weeks, primarily in response to the government's plans to overhaul the courts.
Tens of thousands of Israelis gathered in Jerusalem to demonstrate in favor of judicial reform, protesting against the Supreme Court's decision to interfere in legislation related to the reform.
This article discusses the tendency of Israeli politicians to blame the Supreme Court for various problems in the country, such as the wave of murders in the Arab community, terrorism, lack of governance, and protection rackets.
In January of this year, protests began in Israel, with thousands of people taking to the streets every Saturday night to voice their discontent with the government, particularly regarding judicial reform.
The author reflects on their longtime involvement with AIPAC and their decision to join J Street.
The reporter reflects on their experience attending protests in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, noting that the Arab speakers received less enthusiastic responses from the crowd compared to the Jewish speakers.
The article discusses the threat to Israeli democracy and how it is not coming from Benjamin Netanyahu's government, but rather from the Supreme Court.
The protest movement in Israel, particularly in Tel Aviv, has become a significant contributor to the local economy.
Professor Haggai Levine, an epidemiologist and chairman of Israel's Association of Public Health Physicians, is speaking out against the Netanyahu government's judicial overhaul, which he sees as a threat to democracy and public health.
Israeli protesters traveled to the small village of Neve Ativ, where Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was staying for vacation, to disrupt his peace and send a message of opposition.
Protests against the Netanyahu-led government's judicial overhaul in Jerusalem have been ongoing for over 31 weeks, with the most recent demonstration drawing thousands of participants.
The ongoing protests against the Israeli government's plan to overhaul the judicial system have exposed deep divisions within Israeli society and shattered the unspoken social contract that has kept the country thriving for over 75 years.
Israeli protests against the government of Prime Minister Netanyahu continue in Bellevue, Greater Seattle.
The Reasonableness Standard Law recently enacted in Israel limits the Israeli Supreme Court's ability to review the reasonableness of government decisions.
The author reflects on the recent judicial reforms in Israel, expressing concern for the future of Israeli democracy.
The author discusses the recent passage of a judicial reform bill in the Knesset that has caused divisions and threatens the democratic nature of Israel.