Tag: Diaspora

Tsion Cafe, a popular Ethiopian-Israeli restaurant in Harlem, has recently become certified kosher and fully vegan.
The article discusses the idea that crises present opportunities for positive change.
Joanne Greenaway reflects on her recent visit to Israel, where she encountered inspiring stories of resilience and unity among the Jewish people, emphasizing the importance of storytelling in Jewish education and identity.
The author reflects on their journey of learning Hebrew and the significance it holds for their Jewish identity.
In this discussion, Daniel Gordis and Amy E. Schwartz explore the question of whether American Jews can fully understand the experience of Israelis living in Israel.
The article discusses the transition taking place in Israel from a start-up nation to a nation focused on rebuilding after the recent tragedy.
The article discusses the hijacking of the Jewish culture war by the Palestinians, particularly in relation to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
In this essay by Maya Rosen, it is explored what it means to be in exile from a Jewish perspective.
The author recounts their experience leaving Israel during the recent conflict with Gaza.
The editor reflects on the current state of Israel and the Jewish diaspora, highlighting the pressing dangers and increase in anti-Israel sentiment and antisemitism.
The article discusses the emergence of a global antisemitic movement that has arisen alongside the recent conflict between Israel and Hamas.
The article discusses the recent security events in Israel and reflects on the failures of the state's security institutions and decision-makers.
The article discusses the impact of Hamas atrocities on Jews around the world, with various individuals sharing their perspectives and experiences.
In the poem "Naturalized" by Hala Alyan, the speaker grapples with the complex and contradictory nature of their identity as a diaspora Palestinian.
The author reflects on the current state of danger and suffering for both Israel and Jews worldwide, and the necessity of special prayers during such times.
The author discusses the response of different groups of people to the recent conflict between Israel and Hamas.
In his book "The No-State Solution," Talmudic scholar Daniel Boyarin, known for his work in gender studies and queer theory, unexpectedly embraces Jewish nationalism.
The article discusses the significance of Yiddish folklore and its connection to Jewish culture and literature.
The author reflects on their experience of observing two days for Jewish holidays while growing up outside of Israel, and the adjustments and challenges they faced upon making aliyah.
The article discusses the experiences of the writer, Nancy Datan, who ran the Paavo Nurmi Marathon in 1986 and reflects on her identity as a Jew living in small towns and cities in the Diaspora.
Naomi Klein, a progressive writer and activist, has written a new book called "Doppelganger: A Trip into the Mirror World," in which she explores the similarities and differences between herself and Naomi Wolf, another well-known progressive writer.
The text discusses the duty of Jews, both in Israel and the diaspora, to speak out against extremism within the Israeli government, exemplified by figures like Itamar Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich.
Charly Wai Feldman, a Canadian filmmaker, discusses her documentary "Long Distance Swimmer: Sara Mardini," which profiles a Syrian refugee turned Olympic athlete and global refugee ambassador, whose story was adapted into the hit Netflix film "The Swimmers."
Charly Wai Feldman, a filmmaker with a diverse background, views Judaism as a central part of her identity, despite her global upbringing.
Retired Major League Baseball catcher Ryan Lavarnway reflects on his experience playing for Team Israel in the World Baseball Classic and the Olympics.