Tag: Gaza

The text discusses the impact of recent events, including the October 7 bombing and Gaza conflict, on Jewish-Muslim interfaith initiatives, particularly referencing a canceled joint pilgrimage to Spain and Morocco due to heightened tensions.
Israeli negotiators have joined hostage talks in Paris in an effort to secure the release of 134 Israelis held by Hamas in Gaza, after initial reluctance on the part of Prime Minister Netanyahu.
The article discusses the destabilization of British politics due to the demonization of Israel, citing instances such as Prince William's comments on Gaza, chaotic parliamentary debates over Israel-Hamas conflict, and concerns about Islamist extremism fueling antisemitism.
The article argues that the United States should stop vetoing ceasefire resolutions and instead condition its support for Israel on securing an actual and lasting ceasefire in Gaza.
Comedian Tiffany Haddish embarked on a trip to Israel to engage with the people firsthand, expressing a desire to visit various locations including Hostage Square and potentially Gaza to better understand the situation.
A shooting attack on a security checkpoint line near Maaleh Adumim in the West Bank left one Israeli dead and 11 others wounded, with the three gunmen responsible killed by security forces.
The article discusses the debate in Israel over whether to invade Rafah or not, highlighting the various interpretations of seeking victory, obtaining peace, and dealing with Hamas.
The text is an open letter addressing ceasefire enthusiasts, discussing recent attacks on Israel by Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, criticizing their actions and highlighting the complexity of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Across Canada, pro-Israel 'bloody pants' protests are emerging, with a recent one in Vancouver organized by a group called Nonviolent Opposition Against Hate (NOAH), founded by Israeli expats, to counter anti-Israel sentiments.
The text discusses the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and emphasizes that blaming Israel for it is unjustified.
Novara Media held a trial-like interview with Bernie Sanders, focusing on his views as a Jewish liberal Zionist.
Former Mossad's head of economic warfare, Udi Levy, suggests that Hamas could have been weakened if Benjamin Netanyahu had authorized targeting its financial sources a decade ago.
The International Court of Justice's interim ruling in a genocide case brought against Israel by South Africa has sparked strong Jewish reactions, especially regarding the perception of Israel's actions towards Hamas in Gaza.
In a discussion about Israel's military actions in Gaza and the global criticism it's facing, Donniel Hartman and Yossi Klein Halevi reflect on whether Israel should still hold onto its victimhood narrative in light of current events.
Three displaced Palestinians from Rafah in Gaza describe the dire and unlivable conditions in the city as they brace for an imminent Israeli invasion.
The text discusses the challenging dilemma Israel faces regarding hostages held by Hamas and the option of prioritizing war over rescuing the hostages.
An attempt to expel far-left Israeli lawmaker Ofer Cassif for supporting South Africa's charge in the International Court of Justice that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza narrowly failed in the Knesset.
The Israeli army released footage of the abducted Bibas family, including Shiri Bibas and her children, Ariel and Kfir, being kidnapped by Hamas in Gaza on Oct. 7, 2023.
An IDF commander stationed near Gaza found a book, "Man & Beast: Our Relationship with Animals in Jewish Law and Thought," written by the parent of another IDF commander, Tikvah Slifkin.
The text discusses the unpreparedness for a Palestinian state, highlighting the challenges and obstacles facing the Palestinians, Israelis, and the international community in achieving a two-state solution.
Rabbi Haviva Ner-David reflects on the ongoing violence in Israel, particularly in the context of her son's friends being affected by the conflict.
The text discusses the different perspectives on winning the ongoing war in Israel, highlighting the divisions within Israeli society.
An article highlights Israeli soldiers' consumption of Palestinian food in Gaza, sparking controversy and criticism.
Leaders of the African Methodist Episcopal Church have condemned Israel's military campaign in Gaza as a mass genocide and urged the U.S. to cease all support for Israel.
In a conversation with pro-Palestinians, the dialogue brings up the complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, touching on issues like ceasefires, civilian casualties, Hamas tactics, historical land claims, Palestinian refugees, and UNRWA's role.