Tag: Interfaith Dialogue

In response to the divisive political climate post-Trump's election, Rabbi Andrea Weiss initiated the Values and Voices project, engaging scholars of various religious traditions, including Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Sikh, Hindu, Native American, and Buddhist, to write scriptural letters to the Trump administration and Congress.
Rabbi Philip Graubart reflects on the significant increase in security measures at synagogues since the events of 9/11 and the rise of terrorist threats like Al Qaeda and ISIS.
Dr. Yakir Englander, an expert on interfaith dialogue and Jewish philosophy at Harvard University, discusses the role of religion in conflict resolution with host Gilad Halpern.
Mimouna, a group of Moroccan Muslims dedicated to preserving Jewish Moroccan culture, held an event at Congregation Shearith Israel in Manhattan to educate about the history of Muslim-Jewish unity in Morocco.
Gustav Niebuhr, a professor and grand-nephew of Reinhold Niebuhr, a renowned Protestant theologian, is actively opposing the Presbyterian Church (USA)'s decision to divest from companies doing business with Israel.
The Face to Face/Faith to Faith Program facilitates dialogue between teenagers from historically conflicting groups, like Jews and Palestinians, to foster understanding and friendship.