Tag: Jerusalem

Joan Nathan recounts a memorable trip to Israel for her husband Allan's 74th birthday in June 2019, where they explored the Negev desert and Jerusalem.
Anshel Pfeffer discusses Benny Gantz's potential exit from the government, highlighting Gantz's dilemma and the possibility of early elections in September.
Israeli protesters, including Lea Nachimov, have been camped outside Israel's Knesset since October 7, demanding Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's resignation and the release of hostages.
Israel Nehemiah Musonda, a Pentacostal Christian, made headlines for praying at the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C., amid pro-Palestinian protests.
Protests calling for the resignation of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu due to his handling of the government and the ongoing conflict have drawn tens of thousands of demonstrators in Jerusalem, demanding his removal or a change in his approach.
Protests against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government and calls for securing the release of hostages held in Gaza have escalated in Israel, with thousands gathering in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.
Former President Donald Trump's recent interview with Israel Hayom has sparked division within the Republican Jewish community regarding his stance on Israel.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reacted strongly to the US abstaining from a UN Security Council resolution on a ceasefire in Gaza, blaming the Biden administration for impacting Israel's efforts and hostage release plans while playing into Hamas's hands.
Former IDF combat soldier Elazar Weiss reflects on his personal journey from believing in Israel's just cause to empathizing with Palestinians and recognizing the shared trauma between the two peoples.
Exploring the historical reasons behind why modern-day Israel was previously called Palestine and its inhabitants referred to as Palestinians, including Jews.
In this insightful piece by Sara Klugman, Purim is explored in the context of current conflicts, particularly the situation in Gaza.
The text explores the evolving significance of Jerusalem in Islam, highlighting its transition from apparent insignificance to utmost importance and its connection to Jewish history.
Esther Sperber reflects on the recent tragic death of an Israeli-American soldier, Itay Chen, and the ongoing conflict in Israel and Gaza, drawing parallels to the devastating World War I as discussed by Sigmund Freud.
Rav Tzvi Kushelevsky, an 88-year-old rosh yeshivah in Jerusalem, recently celebrated the birth of his first child, a son, with his second wife after being childless in his first marriage of over half a century.
The text discusses former President Trump's comments suggesting that Jewish individuals who vote for Democrats hate their religion and Israel.
Israels Black Panthers, a group of Mizrahi Jewish youth in the early 1970s, drew inspiration from the American Black Panthers to challenge discrimination against Mizrahi Jews in Israel.
Exploring the origins and significance of the name "Israel" throughout history, particularly focusing on its importance to Jewish people.
The text discusses a double standard in the global spotlight on Israel and Jews, highlighting instances of violence and oppression elsewhere that receive less attention.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Linda Gradstein, and Noah Efron engage in a discussion on two significant topics: the election of a majority of ultra-Orthodox men to the Jerusalem city council and the need for reflection and spiritual reckoning regarding the death and destruction in Gaza.
The text describes a harrowing wartime diary reflecting on the ongoing conflict in Jerusalem since October 7.
The text discusses the reasons why Palestine does not exist from the perspective of a Jewish publication.
Former Trump administration senior adviser Jared Kushner is set to receive an award from the Anti-Defamation League for his diplomatic efforts regarding Israel, particularly his role in the Abraham Accords that normalized relations between Israel and Middle Eastern countries like Bahrain and the UAE, as well as moving the American embassy to Jerusalem.
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) plans to honor Jared Kushner for his diplomatic efforts regarding Israel, particularly highlighting his work on the Abraham Accords normalizing relations between Israel, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates.
A shooting attack on a security checkpoint line near Maaleh Adumim in the West Bank left one Israeli dead and 11 others wounded, with the three gunmen responsible killed by security forces.
In a concerning development for Israel, a split within the war cabinet, exacerbated by the ongoing tensions in Jerusalem, is outlined.