Tag: Jewish Customs

In Chapter 10 of "Picture This," the couple embarks on a shopping trip, with the protagonist realizing she enjoys spending time with her husband, Yonah, despite initial reluctance.
Despite a coercive Chief Rabbinate in Israel, a trend is emerging where some secular Israelis are voluntarily adopting religious customs such as wearing tzitzit, baking challah, or lighting Shabbat candles in response to the war in Gaza.
A tutorial on the traditional Jewish ritual of lighting Shabbat candles, emphasizing the importance of bringing peace and warmth into the home through this practice.
Delphine Horvilleur, the rabbi of Synagogue Beaugrenelle in Paris, France, and a prominent figure in liberal Judaism, has authored a book titled "Living with Our Dead."
The text discusses the issue of conformity and revisionist history within the Jewish religious community, noting a shift towards more stringent observance and customs, particularly within the right-wing religious circles.
The article discusses the concept of "flying without a plane" as a way to travel and experience diverse Jewish cultures without the need for traditional air travel.
Exploring the customs and rituals that take place after an Orthodox Jewish wedding, focusing on the tradition of Sheva Brachot.
The second season of "Life & Beth" deepens its exploration of Jewish themes while balancing humor and darkness, addressing heavy topics such as sexual assault, autism, and antisemitism.
The video showcases how to make delicious fish tacos using leftover Shabbat fish in a creative and sustainable way.
The article discusses the evolving acceptance of wearing yarmulkes in professional settings, particularly in the author's experience working at law and accounting firms in New York City.
As the author helps his 89-year-old mother move into their home, he reflects on the challenges of lifting heavy boxes filled with Jewish prayer books, which strain his back, contrasting Jewish prayer postures with his physical struggles.
The question of whether Jewish children should sing Christmas carols sparks a range of opinions among different Jewish denominations.
This discussion focuses on the approach to Torah Lishma according to the Vilna Gaon, often contrasted with R' Chaim Volozhin's views, particularly in Mishley.
In this brief article, the writer extends wishes for a happy new year (Shana Tova) to the readers and expresses gratitude for their support.
Raizel and Dani, an ultra-Orthodox Jewish couple, create raw and personal video blogs about their life to educate and dispel inaccuracies about Judaism and Jewish customs.
The Museum at Eldridge Street is currently displaying an exhibition called A Collage of Customs: Iconic Jewish Woodcuts Revised for the Twenty-First Century.
This article explores the origins and meaning of the period of Sefirat Ha-omer, a time associated with mourning and restrictions in Jewish practice.
In this Shiur, Rabbi Yaakov Berman discusses various considerations when choosing a marriage partner.
"Demystifying Differences Between Sephardic and Ashkenazic Jews" by Rabbi Haim Jachter provides a comprehensive exploration of the different practices and customs between Sephardic and Ashkenazic Jews.
The author recounts his experience with different prayer customs, specifically Nusach Ashkenaz and Nusach Sefard.
The wimpel, a strip of fabric used as a Torah binder, is a centuries-old Jewish custom that originated in Bavaria and spread to other German-speaking communities.
The Jewish Theological Seminary in Morningside Heights is hosting an exhibition titled "To Build a New Home: Celebrating the Jewish Wedding," showcasing various artifacts related to Jewish marriage throughout history.
The author reflects on the different attitudes towards mackerel in Norway, where some believed that the fish was unfit for eating due to a belief that it fed off the dead bodies of German soldiers during WWII.
The article discusses the emergence of the Yiddish Christmas Eve tradition, known as nitl nakht, as a popular phenomenon on social media in 2021.