Tag: Jewish Humor

"Kid Sister," a New Zealand television comedy drama, falls short in its attempt to humorously portray a Jewish family, with stereotypical and unlikeable characters.
Rabbi Gordon shares a cute joke during a Torah class related to a silver candlestick in this video.
At 98 years old, Dick Van Dyke recently won a Daytime Emmy, making him the oldest recipient, sparking reflections on his iconic career, notably his lead role in The Dick Van Dyke Show.
"The Jews Are Coming," a popular sketch comedy show in Israel, known for its irreverent humor about Jewish history, took a serious turn in response to the current challenges facing Israelis.
Rabbi Jill Hausman of the Actors Temple in Manhattan made a surprise appearance on Saturday Night Live's Weekend Update segment, where she was asked to make the host uncomfortable by reacting to edgy jokes about Israel, Jews, and antisemitic tropes.
Matthias Goerne and Evgeny Kissin performed a captivating program of Schumann and Brahms songs at Carnegie Hall, featuring texts by Heinrich Heine, aligning well with the Pesach holiday's themes.
In a delightful and humorous interview, Bess Kalb discusses topics ranging from her children's book "Buffalo Fluffalo" to hosting the Jewish Book Council Awards.
Jewish humor, particularly American Jewish humor, is characterized by its ability to punch upwards or sideways in a profound and often self-reflective manner.
An American version of the British sitcom "Friday Night Dinner" set in a Jewish home has been created, titled "Dinner with the Parents."
Israeli-American comedian Modi Rosenfeld, known as Modi, has released a stand-up comedy special titled "Know Your Audience," reflecting his mission to help the Jewish community laugh again amidst trauma, including antisemitism.
"Curb Your Enthusiasm" recently ended after a long run, leaving viewers eager for similar shows.
In the final season of "Curb Your Enthusiasm," Larry David faces trial for giving water to an elderly Georgian voter, in defiance of a law prohibiting such acts near polling places.
Felicia Madison and Ellen Sugarman, both comedians, discuss their experiences entering the world of comedy after 50, incorporating their Jewish identity into their humor, and how older women are finding humor in their second act of life.
This article offers a collection of Jewish jokes suitable for sharing at the Passover Seder to lighten the mood during the holiday.
Elon Gold discusses the Jewish ability to use humor in challenging times while engaging in a humorous and interruptive conversation with Eylon, exploring Israeli vs. Jewish humor and showcasing his impressions of Douglas Murray and Trump in a cringey pre-game chat before a comedy show.
Shoshana Gottlieb, known for her Jewish red carpet reviews on social media, infuses humor by likening celebrities' outfits to Jewish themes and objects, making inaccessible worlds like the film industry relatable.
Richard Lewis, a beloved comedian who recently passed away, left behind a legacy of delightful Jewish representation in his roles.
The author reflects on the importance of Jewish comedians in shaping their Jewish identity and passing on humor through generations, highlighting comedy as a means for Jews to observe and comment on society with a unique perspective.
The article explores the influence of the ancient Purim spiel on Jewish humor, tracing the roots of Jewish jokes back to the holiday of Purim in the Hebrew month of Adar.
The author reflects on a novel they wrote that features a Jewish protagonist facing persecution.
The article discusses the unique humor of Israel, which is characterized as cynical, forthright, and affectionate.
In an interview with Moment Magazine, drag artist Michael Witkes, also known as Pink Pancake, discusses his one-woman drag show, "Today You Are a Man!"
Brothers David and Jerry Zucker, along with their friend Jim Abrahams, have entertained audiences with their comedy films, notably Airplane!
In his comedy special "Born on 3rd Base," Gary Gulman tackles Jewish stereotypes with sharp humor.
The article explores the concept of Jewish trauma and its generational effects.