Tag: Jewish Identity

This article discusses the importance of religion in Jewish continuity.
American Jewish leaders have neglected to provide meaningful content in Jewish education and engagement, resulting in a disconnect between American Jews and their rich Jewish heritage.
The debate surrounding Zionism and Judaism focuses on whether opposing Zionism makes one un-Jewish.
"Jews Don't Count" by David Baddiel explores the issue of contemporary antisemitism and the tendency of progressives to dismiss or downplay it.
In "The Jewish World of Alexander Hamilton," historian Andrew Porwancher argues that Alexander Hamilton may have had Jewish ancestry, based on evidence from his early life.
The author, who is not a fan of traditional Jewish foods like honey cake, discovers Italian honey cookies and finds them far more enjoyable.
Mike Wilner, known for his work as the voice of Blue Jays baseball on the radio, experienced a career shift when he was let go by the team's owner, Rogers.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Alex Clare, a singer and baal teshuva, discusses his experience of changing identity and making life-changing choices.
In an 1897 essay called "The Jewish State and the Jewish Problem," Ahad Ha'am, a Zionist writer, argued that Judaism does not need an independent state but rather conditions favorable to its development, such as a settlement of Jews working in various fields.
Rain Pryor, the daughter of the renowned comedian Richard Pryor, is a multi-talented individual known for her work as an actress, singer, performer, comedian, mother, and former city council candidate in Baltimore.
The author reflects on his experience reading "Waterlog: A Swimmer's Journey through Britain" by Roger Deakin.
In this article, the author discusses the phenomenon of Judeo-English, a linguistic fusion of English with Jewish cultural and religious terminology.
The article explores the ambivalence that Jews have towards power, particularly in the context of Israel and the recent conflict with Hamas.
In this episode, host Jeremy Shere and guest scholar Keren R. McGinity discuss the rising rate of intermarriage among American Jews.
In this personal reflection, the author describes his relationship with his father, who was a self-made man in the dry cleaning business.
ANU, the newly opened Museum of the Jewish People in Tel Aviv, aims to explore Jewish identity and celebrate the contributions of Jews to humanity.
The author reflects on their experience of becoming a Canadian citizen and draws parallels to the process of conversion to Judaism.
The relationship between Israel, Zionism, anti-Zionism, Jewish identity, and Jewish peoplehood is a topic of discussion among American Jewish opinion circles and social media.
This article discusses the hostility exhibited by the Chicago Dyke March towards supporters of Israel.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Miriam Herschlag from Times of Israel discuss various topics including Israel's new government's relations with the U.S., questioning a late-grandfather's Zionist beliefs, and exploring the differences between Israeli and American Jews.
In this podcast episode, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Miriam Herschlag discuss three topics.
The article discusses the rise of cancel culture and the power of online mobs to shut down debate and destroy lives.
The article explores the complicated relationship that Jewish people have with power.
The article argues that the Jewish concept of tzedakah, meaning justice, should be prioritized over philanthropy.
Mel Brooks is considered the funniest man on Earth by many Jews, particularly those over the age of 60.