Tag: Jewish Identity

Comedian Alex Edelman discusses his off-Broadway show, "Just for Us," which explores his Jewish identity and includes a white nationalist gathering he attended.
The author recounts her childhood desire for a Christmas tree and her parents' insistence that as Jews, they do not have Christmas trees.
The author shares their personal experience of growing up in a Jewish family that celebrated Christmas alongside Hanukkah.
An American living in Tonnerre, a small town in Burgundy, reflects on his experience of being an outsider in rural France.
In an interview with Abigail Pogrebin, composer Stephen Sondheim discusses his Jewish identity and upbringing.
Comedian Alex Edelman explores the unfunny world of antisemitism online, drawing inspiration for his one-man show "Just For Us," premiering Off-Broadway.
The author reflects on their complex Jewish identity, shaped by generations of assimilation and a lack of religious observance in their family.
The article discusses the best Jewish children's books of 2021.
Jared Jackson, founder of Jews in All Hues, discusses how white supremacy has become embedded in mainstream North American Judaism, not necessarily through overt symbols but in the discomfort felt by Jews of color in Jewish spaces dominated by white-skinned Ashkenazi individuals.
The article discusses the significance of the Jewish calendar, particularly in the context of the Jewish concept of time.
This article discusses the challenge of attrition within the Orthodox Jewish community in the United States.
In this interview between historians Sylvie Anne Goldberg and Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi, the future of Jews and Judaism is discussed in relation to the availability of different choices for Jewish identity.
The text discusses Israeli Prime Minister Bennett's presence at COP26, highlighting that Israel is not meeting its environmental goals despite the impression given.
Ariel Helwani, a prominent MMA journalist, recently left ESPN after three years to pursue new opportunities that offer creative control and financial freedom.
In this opinion piece, the author argues that Henry Kissinger, despite being unpopular among some supporters of Israel, was actually a skilled statesman whose diplomatic strategy helped ensure the survival and well-being of Israel.
Andrew Porwancher's book, "The Jewish World of Alexander Hamilton," argues that Alexander Hamilton had a Jewish identity that should be taken seriously.
This article discusses the challenges facing non-Orthodox American Jewry and the importance of Jewish literacy and Torah learning for Jewish communities to flourish.
The main points of this text can be summarized as follows: The threats to Jewish continuity include assimilation, antisemitism, intermarriage, apathy, and ignorance.
The advice given to a Jewish freshman includes tips for handling anti-Semitic remarks and misconceptions at university.
Russian-speaking Jews (RSJs) in America have struggled to reconcile their Jewish identity with that of their American-born peers.
The author reflects on the current state of antisemitism in Europe, discussing the increasing violence and harassment faced by Jews and the feeling of fear and isolation among the Jewish community.
The letter writer, a Jewish grandmother, is heartbroken because her daughter plans to baptize her granddaughter.
Hen Mazzig, an Israeli writer of Mizrahi descent, challenges the notion of Jews as a race, pointing out the complexity of Jewish identity, especially for Jews of color.
Tablet has introduced its third class of Tablet Fellows, who will be working with the publication from October to December.
The text discusses the concept of Jewish continuity and its decline in popularity in recent years.