Tag: Jewish Refugees

"One Life" is a new film based on the book "If It's Not Impossible," depicting the heroic efforts of a small group of middle-class Brits in the late 1930s who rescued refugees from war-threatened Prague, including Jewish children from the Nazi dictatorship.
The Kindertransport, which brought over 10,000 child refugees, primarily Jewish, to Britain in the late 1930s, is often portrayed as a successful state-run rescue mission.
The Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York has opened a new exhibition called "Courage to Act: Rescue in Denmark," which tells the story of the Danish and Swedish communities who helped over 7,000 Jewish refugees escape the Nazis during World War II.
This memoir recounts the author's experience participating in the Alpine Peace Crossing (APC), a hike that commemorates the journey of Jewish Holocaust survivors over the Krimml Pass.
In these three recently published memoirs by 20th-century Jewish refugees to America, the authors reflect on their immigrant experiences and the baggage they've carried with them.
Isaac Metzker, a legendary editor at the Forward, is credited with overseeing the Seeking Relatives column, which helped thousands of Jewish refugees and Holocaust survivors start new lives in the U.S. However, Metzker rarely spoke about his work and even declined to personally cover the trial of Adolf Eichmann.
The article discusses the parallels between Jewish refugees seeking shelter in New York City after World War II and the current influx of asylum seekers in the city.
Researchers and Sugihara's own grandson have challenged the story of Chiune Sugihara, a Japanese diplomat who issued visas to thousands of Jewish refugees fleeing Europe during World War II.
During World War II, the Mir Yeshiva students and their teachers were forced to flee Nazi-occupied Poland and Lithuania.
The article discusses the controversy surrounding the role of the Roosevelt administration in saving Jewish refugees during the Holocaust.
This article discusses the story of Chiune Sempo Sugihara, a Japanese diplomat in Lithuania during WWII who saved the lives of over 4,000 Jewish refugees by issuing transit visas to Japan.
The article discusses the omission of the Jewish Labor Committee (JLC) from the Netflix series "Transatlantic," which is based on Julie Orringer's novel "The Flight Portfolio."
Cellist Kristina Reiko Cooper will be performing A Concert for Sugihara at Carnegie Hall on April 19th to honor Chiune Sugihara, a Japanese diplomat who saved thousands of Jews by writing visas for them to escape Europe during the Holocaust.
Albert Reichmann, a member of the Orthodox Jewish community, played a significant role in bringing Jewish education and heritage to Jews behind the Iron Curtain.
Eric Alterman's book, "We Are Not One," critiques American Jewish support for Israel and the Zionist project.
The Menorah Center in Dnipro is an opulent Jewish Community Center funded by Jewish oligarchs to demonstrate the viability of Ukrainian Jewry.
The essay discusses how the perception of being a refugee has changed over time.
In her book X Troop, Jewish historian Leah Garrett tells the little-known story of a group of Jewish refugees from Eastern Europe who became secret commandos for the British Army during World War II.
Retired Israeli general Amos Yadlin, former head of Israel's military intelligence, discusses the ongoing Ukraine war and its implications.
The article discusses the advantages that Jewish Ukrainians have over their non-Jewish neighbors when it comes to seeking refuge amidst the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.
In this article, the author discusses the ongoing war in Ukraine and the effectiveness of Vladimir Putin's army.
Jill Baker Shames, a social worker and member of United Hatzalah in Israel, volunteered in Moldova and Ukraine to assist refugees fleeing from the war in Ukraine.
Olga Gamzeynova, a 69-year-old Ukrainian refugee, shares her story as she crosses the border into Romania to escape the violence and destruction caused by the Russian invasion.
In this article, Haaretz correspondents Yarden Michaeli and Judy Maltz share their experiences covering the Ukraine war and the people escaping the Russian attack.
"Hitler's Jewish Refugees: Hope and Anxiety in Portugal" by Marion Kaplan explores the experiences of Jewish refugees in Portugal during World War II.