Tag: Jewish Refugees

The Sir Martin Gilbert Learning Centre in London has initiated a program to teach Jewish history in non-Jewish schools, with over 1,000 students benefiting from lectures and online resources.
During World War II, Gilberto Bosques, as head of the Mexican Consulate in France, played a crucial role in helping leftists and Jews escape persecution by issuing exit visas and providing shelter in Marseille.
Jews have a long history in Arab countries, predating the Arab conquests.
Claudia Sheinbaum has made history as the first Jewish head of state in North America, becoming the president-elect of Mexico.
Shlomo Mansour, the oldest Israeli hostage in Gaza, survived both the recent massacre by Hamas and the 1941 Farhud massacre in Iraq, showcasing a history of anti-Jewish violence in the Middle East.
The Etgar Quiz covers various Jewish topics: a Nobel Prize-winning poet who escaped Nazi Germany (Nelly Sachs), a Chasidic Rebbe and university professor (Rav Yitzchak Twersky), the reasons for Nadav and Avihu's death in the Torah (bringing a forbidden sacrifice), the ship Exodus with Jewish refugees (departed in 1947), shatnez rules (forbidding wool and linen garments), and leaving part of the field for the poor to harvest (pe'ah).
Diana Leygerman, a 41-year-old Democratic Jewish activist from Warwick Township, PA, is concerned about censorship in schools, particularly after a Republican-majority board in the Central Bucks School District banned books and targeted LGBTQ students.
Hanna Slome, a 99-year-old Holocaust survivor in Queens, reveals her life-changing experience of being rescued by Sir Nicholas Winton during the Holocaust, depicted in the film "One Life" with Anthony Hopkins.
The text discusses the emotional and historical significance of the Israeli slogan "Ein Li Eretz Acheret, I have no other country," highlighting the fact that for many Jews, Israel is their only homeland due to historical persecutions and lack of acceptance in other countries.
The 1924 Johnson-Reed Act, signed by President Calvin Coolidge, set quotas on immigrants' countries of origin and excluded Asians, impacting Jewish migration and establishing a more restrictive immigration policy.
"Hulu's 'We Were the Lucky Ones' features Brazilian Holocaust hero Ambassador Souza Dantas, who saved around 800 people during the war, including 425 Jews, by forging visas and aiding refugees. The show portrays Dantas' humanitarian efforts, depicting a pivotal moment where a Jewish character seeks his help for escape, showcasing Dantas' courage and kindness. Despite facing challenges from his government, Dantas selflessly risked his life to help those in need, emphasizing his Christian sense of mercy. His story of compassion and heroism is a poignant addition to the Jewish narrative depicted in the series, highlighting his impact on saving numerous lives during the Holocaust."
"One Life" is a poignant biopic about Holocaust hero Nicholas Winton, who saved 669 mostly Jewish children during the Holocaust through the Kindertransport.
Ruth Gottesman, the donor behind a $1 billion gift eliminating tuition at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, comes from a family deeply involved in philanthropy and aiding Jewish refugees during World War II.
The article discusses the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict, highlighting concerns about Hamas's influence and Palestinians' desire for a right of return to resettle Israel.
A book titled "Innocence and Experience: Childhood and the Refugees from Nazism in Britain" edited by Charmian Brinson and Anna Nyburg delves into the impact of Jewish refugees from Nazism on British childhood.
The text criticizes human rights organizations, particularly Human Rights Watch (HRW) and Amnesty International, for their disproportionate focus on Israel and their failure to condemn Hamas attacks on Israeli civilians, including the lack of acknowledgment of Jewish victims in the conflict.
Japanese diplomat Chiune Sugihara, known for saving thousands of Jews during the Holocaust, is facing criticism from an Israeli professor who argues that Sugihara's recognition was orchestrated by Yad Vashem and the Israeli government to please Japan.
A bill in Washington State proposing Holocaust education in schools failed after debate over references to Israel's war with Hamas.
Set during WWII in Shanghai, "migr" is a Romeo-and-Juliet musical that explores the love story of a Chinese woman and a Jewish man against the backdrop of Jewish refugees finding sanctuary in Shanghai during the Holocaust.
Julia Kislev, a Crimean Jew living in Armenia, opened Mama Jan cafe in Yerevan, which became a hub for Russian Jews who settled in Armenia following Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
"Emigr" is a new musical drama about the Jewish community in Shanghai during World War II, focusing on two Jewish brothers who flee to Shanghai and encounter a Chinese population also affected by war.
This article discusses the rise of antisemitism in the San Francisco Bay Area public school system.
The essay discusses the widespread hatred of Israel, which has brought together diverse groups across the political spectrum, from the extreme left to the extreme right.
The article discusses the importance of Refugee Shabbat, an event organized by HIAS, which aims to advocate for compassionate refugee policies.
In this op-ed, the author reflects on the need for Jewish philanthropy to support Jewish refugees who have been internally displaced due to the ongoing war in Israel.